For this problem we want to see the extent to which campers’ gender is related to the presence of dyadic ties in a social network of methods training course participants using campnet.##h and...

For this problem we want to see the extent to which campers’ gender is related to the presence of dyadic ties in a social network of methods training course participants using campnet.##h and campattr.##h. Here we want to test a mixed-dyadic monadic hypothesis. In UCINET go to Tools|Testing Hypotheses |Mixed Dyadic/Nodal|Categorical attributes|Anova Density and run the analysis twice for two different models. For both, specify Campnet as the network matrix, and the “Gender” column of the campattr matrix as the Actor Attribute. For the first run, choose “Constant Homophily” for your model, and for the second, choose “Variable Homophily”. Be sure to save the ucinetlog files for comparison. Interpret both sets of results. Is there homophily? Which gender tends to be more homophilous?

May 19, 2022

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