For This Class, You Will Be Working On A Project That Will Give You A Chance To Apply What You Are Learning To Interpersonal Relationships In A Movie That You Choose. You Will Be Able To Evaluate...

For This Class, You Will Be Working On A Project That Will Give You A Chance To Apply What You Are Learning To Interpersonal Relationships In A Movie That You Choose. You Will Be Able To Evaluate Communication Skills As You Analyze The Movie

Look for a movie that you enjoy that meets these requirements:

  1. A large amount of interpersonal communication that takes place between the characters.

  2. A scene where the communication between characters allows for you to analyze the verbal and nonverbal communication between characters.

  3. A scene where different cultures (race, age group, nationality, etc.) affect the communication between the characters.

  4. A scene where two characters are having a deeply emotional conversation (anger, sadness, fear, etc.).

It is imp it a lot!

The Project:

Write a 1-page paper that includes the following:

  1. The title of the movie

  2. A brief description of the movie

  3. A list of the main characters

  4. A detailed description of the relationships and cultures in the movie

May 06, 2022

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