For this assignment, you will write a Policy Critique on Medicaid Expansion and Dual Eligible Policy in Florida, United States. The Paper must be about 1,500 words.Include relevant scholarly...

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For this assignment, you will write a Policy Critique on Medicaid Expansion and Dual Eligible Policy in Florida, United States. The Paper must be about 1,500 words.

Include relevant scholarly citations in apa

Answered 1 days AfterNov 21, 2023

Answer To: For this assignment, you will write a Policy Critique on Medicaid Expansion and Dual Eligible Policy...

Dipali answered on Nov 23 2023
37 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Background    3
Medicaid Expansion    3
Dual Eligible Policy    4
Policy Analysis    5
Strengths    5
Weaknesses    6
Recommendations    6
Reevaluate Medicaid Expansion    7
Strengthen Care Coordination for Dual Eligibles    7
Pilot Programs and Continuous Evaluation    8
Engage Community Partnerships and Stakeholders    8
Address Social Determinants of H
ealth    8
Conclusion    9
References    10
The state of Florida's healthcare system is distinguished by its unique views on Medicaid expansion and treating people who are dual eligible. Florida decided not to expand Medicaid despite the Affordable Care Act (ACA) being implemented countrywide, which sparked ongoing discussions regarding fairness and access. Due to the large coverage gap this decision has generated, many low-income people are now without access to quality healthcare. Furthermore, Florida's laws regarding dual-eligible people—those who meet the requirements for both Medicaid and Medicare—additionally complicate matters. A lot of attention has been paid to how these two programmes work together as well as how well this vulnerable demographic is taken care of. In order to provide light on the effects of the state's actions regarding Medicaid expansion and the handling of dual eligible’s on the entire healthcare environment, this criticism attempts to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of Florida's policies.
The complex interactions among healthcare demands of the state's varied population, access to care, and policy decisions are exemplified by Florida's healthcare system. In the middle of this terrain are two very important elements: Medicaid expansion and dual-eligible persons' treatment under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Medicaid Expansion
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) gave states the option to increase Medicaid coverage to cover those making up to 138% of the federal poverty threshold. Florida declined to take part in the expansion, citing worries about the program's long-term financial viability, whereas many other states welcomed the move to provide coverage to low-income citizens. The ramifications of this choice are extensive. Florida's Medicaid non-expansion has resulted in a coverage vacuum, even though the programme is a lifeline for millions of people nationally. Many people with low incomes are in a precarious situation where they have restricted access to essential healthcare services because they do not qualify for Medicaid but also cannot afford private insurance (Steenland & Wherry, 2023). Medicaid expansion proponents contend that there are economic benefits in addition to health justice. Increased government money, the development of jobs in the healthcare industry, and better health outcomes for the uninsured are all possible results of expansion. Critics, however, refer to doubts over future federal financing and the long-term viability of an enlarged programme in order to voice worries about the possible financial load on the state (Arguelles, 2019).
Dual Eligible Policy
The handling of dual-eligible people—those who qualify for both Medicaid and Medicare—complicates Florida's healthcare policy environment in addition to the discussion around Medicaid expansion (Valdovinos et al., 2020). Because of their complicated healthcare demands, coordinating services and coverage is essential for this group. Dual eligible’s frequently experience difficulties navigating Medicare and Medicaid, which can lead to administrative snags, fragmented treatment, and possible coverage gaps. Florida has recognised the need for greater integration between Medicaid and Medicare programmes and has developed many initiatives targeted at enhancing care coordination for this group. Nonetheless, there is ongoing examination of these programmes' efficacy. There are still problems with bureaucratic red tape, inconsistent service quality, and communication gaps between Medicaid and Medicare providers. These obstacles impede the smooth provision of healthcare services to dual eligibles, hence affecting their ability to get...

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