For this assignment you will need to do some outside research We have seen protests erupting all over the world over justice. The recent death of George Floyd has brought to light the issue of racial...

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For this assignment you will need to do some outside research

We have seen protests erupting all over the world over justice. The recent death of George Floyd has brought to light the issue of racial justice once again. The death of George Floyd has become the breaking point (not that racial justice hasn't always been a problem) People are angry, frustrated and want to see a society that is fair for all (racial, economical and so on)

For this assignment I want you to research and explain the racial and economic issues that our country is facing. Is there clear injustice? What are 3 things we can do to create a country that is equal if in fact it isn't? In what ways can we as a whole discuss these issues without causing more problems? Find 2 groups that deal with issues of injustice, list them, give the website and explain what they think the problem is and what they are doing to bring about justice. Do you agree with what they think? Why/Why not? Overall this assignment should be at least 2 pages. Please look over the early protests and what they wanted to accomplish.

Answered Same DayJul 09, 2021

Answer To: For this assignment you will need to do some outside research We have seen protests erupting all...

Nishtha answered on Jul 10 2021
154 Votes
Running Head: RACIAL JUSTICE                                1
George Floyd was handcuffed, thrown to the ground,
pinned and strangled under the weight of a police officer's knee. He was murdered and the murder was called "a medical incident.” Hundreds of massive protests have erupted since then, and they have not been peaceful. People are right to be enraged. As stated by Mitchell-Yellin (2018), racism issue is not a today’s issue.
There have been four centuries of negative and deeply entrenched propaganda against blacks whom some refuse to see as an equal regardless of scientific proof that "race" is of zero biological consequence, having no bearing whatever on one's intellectual or other capabilities as a human being. The three things that could improve the situation of racism in country are to stand up for the people, make your presence as a witness.
All people irrespective of his or her skin colors deserve respect and live with dignity. If all people stand against the racial activities, there would be less power in hands of bullies. As mentioned by Butkovic and Vidovic (2019), another way is teach them kindness and talking about differences that is education. If future generation encounters positive and negative...

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