For this assignment, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and skills associated with a critical evaluation of the Introduction section in the peer-reviewed scholarly article you selected.
Your submission must be a Word document (.doc or .docx) and formatted in the following manner:
- Paper margins must be 1” all around.
- Font must be Times New Roman, size 12, and black in color.
- Within paragraphs, left indentation must be set to 0.5" and spacing must be set to 0 pt before and after each line with single line spacing.
- One single space must be inserted in between each paragraph.
To complete this assignment successfully read the Introduction section of the peer-reviewed scholarly article you selected. Then, compose a written response that uses the evaluation tools in the course text to critique this section of the research report. Your submission must clearly address each of the following criteria:
- Context and Significance
- Review of Relevant Literature
- Objective Statements/Research Questions/Hypotheses
Your submission should be a minimum of two pages. Please be sure to also include the APA citation (7th edition) for the peer-reviewed scholarly article at either the beginning or end of your submission.
Assessment Criteria for Module 2: Assignment
Formatting(up to 10 points)
- Saved as a Word document (.doc or .docx).
- Applied formatting specifications for margins; font style, size, and color; indentation; and spacing.
- Included an APA (7th edition) citation for the selected peer-reviewed scholarly article.
Criteria - Context and Significance(up to 20 points)
- Conducted a critical evaluation of the Introduction section by responding to the following:
- How important is the topic?
- To what extent is the presentation clear and objective?
Criteria - Review of Relevant Literature(up to 50 points)
- Conducted a critical evaluation of the Introduction section by responding to the following:
- To what extent is the viewpoint balanced and appropriately comprehensive?
- How has attention been given to both historical precedent and more recent work?
- How coherent is the theme of the review of relevant literature?
Criteria - Objective Statements/Research Questions/Hypotheses(up to 20 points)
- Conducted a critical evaluation of the Introduction section by responding to the following:
- To what extent were the objective statements/research questions/hypotheses clearly stated?
- How has the review of relevant literature supported the development of the objective statements/research questions/hypotheses?