For this assignment you will answer the questions listed below.Each question has been assigned a certain number of points.Be sure to answer all of the items asked for in the question to get full credit.Your assignment is to be word processed, double spaced and grammar and spell checked.
Possible websites are listed below each question to get you started in finding your answers.Some material that relates to the questions may be found within your book, some will not.You are free to use other sources as well.
However, Wikipedia is NOT to be used.
(Wikipedia is an open source site.Changes can be made that may make information posted there incorrect.) You must cite your work appropriately and enclose a reference page.Be sure to list even the sites that I have provided you if you use them to answer the question.
Do NOT do
a laundry list of “question asked” and “answer” in your answer.While I have provided you with questions to answer, please answer them in paragraph form.Your answers should read as a narrative that covers all of the items raised by my questions.
You are to rewrite in your own words the material that you find for your answers rather than doing copy and paste.
copy and paste material without putting it in quotation marks and appropriately citingthe sources. You are not to copy more than two citations per question. ( Copying and pasting without quotations and appropriate citations is plagiarism and will result in a grade of 40 (F) for the total assignment.)
You can go to and submit your paper to check percentage of material copied. You should have less than 15% copied for each question.
If you are unsure just what plagiarism is, please go to the writing center website and click on the link to the right.The writing center is at
If you are unsure how to do citations, you can go to:
The links to the guides there are very good.If you are not required to use a specific format by your major discipline, I suggest using APA.
1. Hurricane season begins June 1st
and last until November 30th.There are tropical storms forming in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian provides up to date tropical storm information as
What is a hurricane? How do they form?
What do we mean by a tropical wave?What is the most important ingredient in the development of a tropical depression? When does a tropical wave become a tropical depression?When do we consider a tropical depression to be a tropical storm?At what point is a name given to these?How are these names determined?What are the criteria for the development of any storm into a hurricane? What are the defining characteristics that separate the strength of a category 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5?
What is the name of the system to categorize the hurricanes? How was it developed and when?How has it been revised?Were you surprised by the damage levels associated with each category?
What part of a hurricane causes the highest amount of damage and loss of life?Why do the media show cone shaped track paths for hurricanes? (Hint—on the last question, look at tracking models.)
How are weather satellites used to predict hurricanes?
What are possible widespread aftermaths of hurricanes that can affect people in other states? (40 points)
2. People are confused by what causes the four seasons.Find the answers to these questions.
What causes the four seasons?
What is the sun’s location in relation to earth during summer and winter?
When is the shortest amount of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere?What do we call this day?Where does the Sun rise and set on this day?
When is the longest amount of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere? What do we call this day? Where does the Sun rise and set on this day?
What do we call the days when the daylight is equal to amount of darkness? Where does the Sun rise and set on this day?
What will be the sunrise and sunset on the first day of summer and then on the first day of fall? (30 points)
3. Most clouds are associated with weather and the hydrologic cycle.We look into the sky and see the clouds but do not know what type they are and how they can help us know about the weather that is associated with the clouds.
What are clouds? How do clouds form?What are clouds made of?
What four main cloud types were named in 1803 by Luke Howard?
What are the three levels of clouds?
Name some of the clouds found at the levels and state what type of weather they bring.
What type of clouds can accompany storms?
How can knowing about clouds help one understand the weather and prepare for dangerous weather?(30 points)