For this assignment, write an essay taking a stance on whether criminologists should evaluate murder as a distinct category of crime deserving of its own theories, or whether the same forces that...

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For this assignment, write an essay taking a stance on whether criminologists should evaluate murder as a distinct category of crime deserving of its own theories, or whether the same forces that cause other types of crime can also be used to explain murder. Your assignment should be completed in a Microsoft Word document and contain approximately 1,000 words of polished text. The document should be double-spaced with Times New Roman 12pt font and 1” margins. Any wording, ideas, or information from other sources (including your textbook) must be cited in proper APA format.

Answered Same DayMay 05, 2021

Answer To: For this assignment, write an essay taking a stance on whether criminologists should evaluate murder...

Somudranil answered on May 06 2021
150 Votes
Running Head: Criminology        1
Criminology         7

Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Understanding Criminal System    3
Conclusion    6
References    7

    There has been a traditional interest resulting out of criminology, which had been in turn
been interested in the intersectionality. This relationship persisting in between race and crime, class and gender are functional in the approach for understanding the criminology. These in turn serve as contributing factors for determination of the differences concerning the victimisation, offence and case procession.
    This assignment is therefore undertaken in order to gain an insight into the criminology persisting that whether murder should be held as a distinct crime deserving its own theories the United Kingdom. It is to be conceived by gaining an understanding of intersectionality that stands to serve as a major contributing factor for the crime.
Understanding Criminal System
    Intersectionality is the study of identities on social ground, which appears to be overlapping in terms of systems of oppression. Parmar (2016) therefore puts forth the perspective in terms of intersectional terms in the United Kingdom. This includes the aspects concerning the identity of the individual, which furthermore are conceived in terms of gender, race and class. These aspects appear in a ground, which paves a way in order to be enmeshed. Framework of multi-dimensional perspective is introduced in order to gain an understanding of the operating function concerning the injustice (Johansson & Śliwa, 2016). This injustice furthermore appears to operate in a systematic manner. It results in a situation of encapsulation of the various kinds of oppression and conceiving the fact how it intersects is important to the extent, which determines a major fact. This determination of major fact concerns the types of oppression, which shapes one another.
    Criminal process that is undertaken puts forth the situation where the victims claim themselves to have forgotten in the process. Not the defendants but they felt themselves to be up on the trial. They claimed validation as well as vindication, which did not favour them. Eventually this translated into a kind of demand concerning the laws as well as procedures for the criminal. This made it comparatively an easy process to punish as well as to prosecute for crime. Others who were included in the system aimed to support the victims. There were people who were incarcerated as well as arrested for matters that were completely insignificant. There were groups, which were radicalized; they got subjected to the injustice of the terribly oppressive justice system (Tandfonline, 2016).
    Intersectionality in turn acts as...

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