For this Assignment, complete the following steps: Step 1: Review the information found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s suicide information page by clicking the following...

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For this Assignment, complete the following steps:

Step 1:

  1. Review the information found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s suicide information page by clicking the following link: in a new window). There is a lot of information available on this page so please allow yourself enough time to look through it.

Step 2:

In a paper, thoroughly discuss the following:

  1. Compare suicide completion rates as a function of age, sex, race, and educational status. Develop a hypothesis that explains these differences in rates.

  2. In your paper, explain the rates and the rationale behind your hypothesis.

Citing Sources:
You must use APA style to reference your source(s) at the end of your submission. For this assignment, you must include reference information for your textbook, the CDC website and any articles or publications you use. Information on how to format reference information (including a reference generator) in APA style can be found on the Purdue Online Writing Lab website at in a new window).

Acceptable Length:Minimum of 1 typed page.

Formatting Requirements:

  • Use 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font

  • Use double line spacing in the document

  • 1-inch margins all around

Answered Same DayApr 05, 2021

Answer To: For this Assignment, complete the following steps: Step 1: Review the information found on the...

Olivia answered on Apr 07 2021
145 Votes
Running Head: SUICIDE PREVENTION                         1
SUICIDE PREVENTION                                 2
Suicide is an attempt to harm oneself or be end one’s life according to ones wishes. In 2018, reports suggest that the rate of suicide in the United States has increased to 33 % in the last few years. This report is aimed at providing a concise hypothesis on how the incidence of suicide varies with race, ethnicity, age and gender among the US population.
In US, suicide is one of the most prevalent causes of death that is not directly related to disease or disorders. It is one of the largest public concerns in the US today. It is tenth among all the leading causes of death with every 1 individual dying per 11 minutes (Curtin, Warner & Hedegaard, 2016). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that as many as 10.7 people tried attempting suicide in 2017 alone. Although suicide is frequent among all age groups, yet the highest rates of suicide are found among people within 10-34 years. Among the age group 35 to 54, suicide is the 4th leading cause of death. Rates of suicide have been seen to vary by several population characteristics like age, race and ethnicity. One examples is that the greatest rates occur among Alaska Native, non-Hispanic American Indian...

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