For the past several months, a 24-year-old male has experienced fatigue, puffiness, and overall weakness. One day he noticed his urine had a red to brown discoloration, and that his urine volume was...

How do the renal function tests for this patient compare to a healthy individual?
For the past several months, a 24-year-old male has experienced fatigue, puffiness, and overall weakness.<br>One day he noticed his urine had a red to brown discoloration, and that his urine volume was minimal. He<br>went to the emergency room, where urinalysis, blood work, and other tests were done to obtain the<br>following data:<br>Urinalysis results<br>Hematology results<br>Appearance<br>Red to brown<br>Serum sodium<br>125 mEq/L<br>Specific gravity<br>1.025<br>Serum potassium<br>6 mEq/L<br>Blood<br>Positive<br>Serum creatinine<br>2.6 mg/dL<br>Glucose<br>Negative<br>BUN<br>24.0 mg/dL<br>Protein<br>Mild<br>pH (arterial)<br>7.32<br>Renal function tests<br>Hematocrit<br>25%<br>GFR (glom. filt. rate)<br>40 mL/min<br>RBF (renal blood flow)<br>280 mL/min<br>

Extracted text: For the past several months, a 24-year-old male has experienced fatigue, puffiness, and overall weakness. One day he noticed his urine had a red to brown discoloration, and that his urine volume was minimal. He went to the emergency room, where urinalysis, blood work, and other tests were done to obtain the following data: Urinalysis results Hematology results Appearance Red to brown Serum sodium 125 mEq/L Specific gravity 1.025 Serum potassium 6 mEq/L Blood Positive Serum creatinine 2.6 mg/dL Glucose Negative BUN 24.0 mg/dL Protein Mild pH (arterial) 7.32 Renal function tests Hematocrit 25% GFR (glom. filt. rate) 40 mL/min RBF (renal blood flow) 280 mL/min

Jun 08, 2022

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