For each timing difference listed, identify whether the difference would be reported on the book side of the reconciliation or the bank side of the reconciliation. In addition, identify whether the...

For each timing difference listed, identify whether the difference would be reported on the book side of the reconciliation or the bank side of the reconciliation.  In addition, identify whether the difference would be an addition or subtraction.

  1. Deposit in transit

  2. Bank reconciliation

  3. Debit memorandum from bank

  4. EFT cash receipt

  5. Outstanding checks

  6. $1,000 deposit erroneously recorded by the bank as $100.

  7. Service charges

  8. Interest revenue

  9. $2,500 cash payment for rent expense erroneously recorded by the business as $250.

  10. Credit memorandum from bank

Jun 10, 2022

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