For each of the following cases, indicate which statistic should be used. (do not re-write the whole sentence - just write the name of the appropriate statistics) a, We want to know how spread out or...

For each of the following cases, indicate which statistic should be used. (do not re-write the<br>whole sentence - just write the name of the appropriate statistics)<br>a, We want to know how spread out or heterogeneous the scores of a class are.<br>b. We want to determine how Joe's score compares with the scores of the rest of the class,<br>c, We want to know how well the class as a whole did on an examination.<br>d. We want to predict the future achievement of students from their IQ.<br>

Extracted text: For each of the following cases, indicate which statistic should be used. (do not re-write the whole sentence - just write the name of the appropriate statistics) a, We want to know how spread out or heterogeneous the scores of a class are. b. We want to determine how Joe's score compares with the scores of the rest of the class, c, We want to know how well the class as a whole did on an examination. d. We want to predict the future achievement of students from their IQ.

Jun 07, 2022

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