1 2 3 4 5 1. Contact 2. Ideology .42*** 3. Core 0.09 0.05 4. Contamination .36*** .20* .52*** 5. Animal 0.16 0.07 .50*** .53*** M 3.44 4.33 5.22 3.45 4.44 SD 1.22 0.99 0.99 1.11 1.33 PSYC 203 – Design...

1 answer below »
Follow the instructions in document file titled "project 4" the dataset provided will be used to work on project 4. please return doc and tables as well as output files

1 2 3 4 5 1. Contact           2. Ideology .42*** 3. Core 0.09 0.05 4. Contamination .36*** .20* .52*** 5. Animal 0.16 0.07 .50*** .53*** M 3.44 4.33 5.22 3.45 4.44 SD 1.22 0.99 0.99 1.11 1.33 PSYC 203 – Design and Analysis PSYC 203 –Correlation & Regression (10 points) Many studies have concluded that right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO) predict prejudice. However, my colleagues and I have questioned this conclusion, pointing out that in previous studies linking RWA and SDO to prejudice, researchers have only focused on prejudice against politically liberal groups, or groups that liberals advocate for. In the database for Project 4, you will find RWA and SDO scores, as well as prejudice ratings toward a variety of groups. For Project 4: 1. Calculate the correlation coefficients for the relationships among RWA, SDO, and the four prejudice ratings. Write a Results section reporting these correlations, and interpret your findings. Create a correlation matrix Table in APA style to report the correlations among these variables, along with their Ms and SDs. 2. Run two regression analyses, one regressing prejudice toward pro-life activists on RWA, and another regressing prejudice toward pro-choice activists on RWA. (Note: this means that RWA is your predictor variable in both equations, and the prejudice measures are your outcome variables in the two different equations.) Report the regression line equation for each of these relationships. Report the vital statistics for each equation (unstandardized coefficient; SE; standardized coefficient; t-statistic; p-value). Create the scatterplots for both analyses, and insert the regression line through the data. 3. In multiple regression, you test the effects of one predictor on an outcome variable while simultaneously controlling for the effects of the other predictor variable. This gives you a sense of which predictor is a better predictor of the outcome variable. Run two multiple regression analyses, one regressing prejudice toward pro-life activists on both RWA and SDO, and another regressing prejudice toward anti-affirmative action activists on both RWA and SDO. What do you conclude about the effects of RWA and SDO on prejudice toward these groups? How do they compare to the bivariate correlations you observed in question #1? You will need to include an output with the correlation matrix for #1, the regressions and scatterplots for #2, and the regressions for #3. You will also need a Word document providing the Results section and the APA style Table for #1, the regression equations and report of the vital statistics for #2, and your conclusions about the effects of RWA and SDO on prejudice toward pro-life and anti-affirmative action activists (both in terms of multiple regression and bivariate correlations) for #3, in APA style.
Answered Same DayDec 03, 2021

Answer To: 1 2 3 4 5 1. Contact 2. Ideology .42*** 3. Core 0.09 0.05 4. Contamination .36*** .20* .52*** 5....

Suraj answered on Dec 04 2021
122 Votes
Solution 1:
The correlation between RWA, SDO, and the four other variables is calculated using SPSS so
ftware. The output table in APA format is provided as follows:
Correlation table:
    1. RWA
    2. SDO
    3. Pro activity
    4. Pro choice
    5. Anti-activities
    6. Pro-life activity
As we can see from the above table, the correlation between many of the variables is significant. Only 4 pairs are non-significant here that is RWA and Anti activities, RWA and pro activities, pro-choice and pro-life activity and pro-choice and anti-activities.
Solution 2:
The simple linear regression between RWA and pro-life activity is conducted using SPSS. the output table in...

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