FIX THE CODE PROVIDED BELOW Part 2 - Syntax Errors and Troubleshooting The code below has many syntax (and other) errors. Tasks: Compile the code and fix the errors one at a time. // //...


Part 2 - Syntax Errors and Troubleshooting

The code below has many syntax (and other) errors.

Compile the code and fix the errors one at a time.

 // // This short class has several bugs for practice.
 // Authors: Carol Zander, Rob Nash, Clark Olson, you
 public class Lab1a {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 publicstatic void compareNumbers() {
 int firstNum = 5;
 int secondNum;
 System.out.println( "Sum is: + firstNum + secondNum );
 System.out.println( "Difference is: " + (firstNum - secondNum );
 System.out.println( "Product is: " + firstNun * secondNum );
 public static void calculateDistance() {
 int velocity = 10; //miles-per-hour
 int time = 2, //hoursint
 distance = velocity * timeSystem.out.println( "Total distance is: " distanace);

Part 3 - Print Statements and Simple Methods

Use "print" and "println" statements, but use method calls to reduce the number of repeated "print"
and "println" statements. Seed code is provided as follows:

 // This is a practice lab to output a few verses of
 //"99 bottles of beer on the wall"
 // Authors: Carol Zander, Clark Olson, you
 public class Lab1b {
 public static void main (String[] args) {
 int numBottles; // number of bottles currently on the wall
 // display first verse
 numBottles = 5;
 numBottles = 4;
 System.out.println(); // display blank line between verses
 // display second verse
 // [this is where you take over]
 public static void onWall() {
 System.out.println(" bottles of beer on the wall");
 public static void botBeer() {
 System.out.println(" bottles of beer");

Jun 09, 2022

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