FIRST PART Conduct an investigation considering the following concepts: Include numerical examples for a better understanding of the concepts. Nonparametric statistics Goodness of fit Chi-square...

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FIRST PART Conduct an investigation considering the following concepts: Include numerical examples for a better understanding of the concepts. Nonparametric statistics Goodness of fit Chi-square Kolmogorov-Smirnov Criterion variable Guiding questions to answer in writing: Explain why parametric statistics is called a free distribution. Explain the characteristics of the χ 2 (chi-square) distribution. When do you use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test? SECOND PART After studying and reviewing the concepts and practices from Workshop 5, answer all the questions provided about the concepts from Module # 5: Nonparametric Statistics. 1. In an article about an experiment for a vaccine in children the following statements were presented: “an experiment involving 1602 children only 14 of the 1070 who received the vaccine developed influenza, compared with 95 of 532 who received the placebo. The data is shown in the table, with a significance level of 5%, test the independence between the treatment variable (vaccine or placebo) and the variable that represents influenza (they develop influenza or do not develop it) ”. Is the vaccine effective? Treatment Developed influenza Did not develop influenza Total Vaccine 14 1056 1070 Placebo 95 437 532 Total 109 1493 1602 2. A Spanish teacher gives his group of 25 students a standardized grammar test, in which he obtains the following results: 56 58 40 77 87 75 61 70 73 71 66 69 67 68 60 72 73 61 64 66 84 72 52 65 67 He performed a Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test in order to compare the group's results with national standards. The test manual indicates that the deciles of scores for high school students are as follows: Decile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Score 45.0 56.8 62.5 66.1 68.7 71.3 74.0 78.5 84.2 *Homework has to be 100% plagiarism free
Answered 1 days AfterSep 21, 2021

Answer To: FIRST PART Conduct an investigation considering the following concepts: Include numerical examples...

Retuparna answered on Sep 23 2021
157 Votes
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Response to Questions    2
Q1.    3
Q2.    5
Response to Questions
· Statistical inferences where decisions are not concerned with the value of on
e or more parameters are termed nonparametric, whereas those inferences whose validity does not depend on a specific probability model in the population are termed distribution-free. Though these two terms are not synonymous, procedures of either type are known as nonparametric methods.
· Chi-Square goodness of fit test is employed to compare between the observed and expected frequencies to determine whether observed results are in accordance with a stated null hypothesis.
· Chi-square distribution is also employed to test the independence and homogeneity of the data set.
· But the chi-square distribution is difficult apply when the class frequency is less than 5, to apply this, the classes have to be merged.
· Also, chi-square test cannot be applied when the data is ordinal in nature.
· For, example a paint manufacturing company wants to give its customer wider choice, but at the same time does not want to produce shades, which are of little demand. Initially , the company started with only four different shades – very light, light, medium and dark. Let us suppose, that company wants to hire an employee to resolve this problem. Actually, the company wants to determine whether any distinct preferences exists toward either extreme. If so, the company wants to manufacture only the preferred shades. Otherwise it is planning to market all shades. Let us assume that the sample data shows that out of 100 customers, 10 preferred the very light shade, 30 the light shade, 15 the medium shade and 5 the dark shade.
For this type of data, Kolmogorov –Simrov test can be applied instead of Chi-square test.
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (K–S test) is a nonparametric test for the equality of continuous probability distributions that can be used to compare a sample with a reference probability distribution (one-sample K–S test), or to compare two samples (two-sample K–S test). The Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic quantifies a distance between the empirical cumulative distribution function (of the sample) and the cumulative distribution function of the assumed distribution, or between the empirical...

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