Hi guys, Just want to elaborate on the last paper of yours as promised. I guess the way to go is to introduce the steps you should take: Your analysis consists of 2 parts and the first part is to...

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Hi guys, Just want to elaborate on the last paper of yours as promised. I guess the way to go is to introduce the steps you should take: Your analysis consists of 2 parts and the first part is to introduce the new information into the spreadsheet ( the 4 case scenarios). The second is to run log linear regression analysis. “The log transformation can be used to make highly skewed distributions less skewed. ... The comparison of the means of log-transformed data is actually a comparison of geometric means. This occurs because the anti-log of the arithmetic mean of log-transformed values is the geometric mean. This can be valuable both for making patterns in the data more interpretable and for helping to meet the assumptions of inferential statistics”. 1. I suggest you insert a column called Inflation (say 2%). Please, remember, it will be incorporated indirectly through calculating real income (combine increases in real income and inflation assumption). E.g. =c3*(1+0.01). =G3/(1+0.02). =D3*(1+0.075) (extend to 2 decimal places) These represent the below raw: Annual average demand of energy bars per person Average income per person Tariff rate on imports of energy bars Number of stores where energy bars are offered 106 15500 5 15 Now, transform the new data into log linear form: You need to put the formula in for logs in your chosen cell, put = LN(106); =LN(15348); =LN(5.38); and =(LN15). Another way is to put in LN, open the bracket, click on the cell number and close the bracket) The below is what you will get with the case scenario of 1% income increase, 2% inflation increase, 7.5% tariff change, and number of stores 15. Annual average demand of energy bars per person Average income per person Tariff rate on imports of energy bars Number of stores where energy bars are offered Inflation Incrased income Real Income New Tariff No of stores Log Demand Log Real Income Log Tariffs Log Stores 106 15500 5 15 2% 15655 15348 5.38 15 4.6634391 9.638743006 1.681759 2.7080502 This latter step should be extended to other 4 case scenarios Simply copy and extend as it is normally done in excel Now you need to perform the regression analysis: Go to Data; data analysis, regression. Input Y variable (it is your log demand) and extend it to all your data (all demands in the table); Input the X range (all your dependent variables), put in the confidence level 95% and click OK Please, see the short youtubes to help you do it and analyse the results Entering data and performing regression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBocR96UdyY Interpreting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlbdkgYz7FM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBocR96UdyY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlbdkgYz7FM ECON6000 Final Report Clarifications 1. If the government in Atollia wants reduce consumption of imported products, they may increase tariffs. In this question you are required to test what will happen if, say for example, 5% increase in income is associated with 2% inflation rate, etc. 2. You need to predict the impact of changes in average in income, tariffs, and inflation on the average demand. In this case, you need to run regressions once again. For example, Income 3%, 5% or 7%. If you multiply the income column with these percentages, you will get the values for all three scenarios. Tariffs 7.5%, 10%, 5% or free trade. Same as above Inflation is a Nominal Income (indicated as “average income”) minus inflation. That can also be incorporated. Example: income of 15000 – 3% inflation Conducting a multiple linear regression (in log linear form) which is Log Y = α + β1X1 +β2X2 +β3X3 + β4X4 + ϵt The log is in base e so you need to put in Excel the formula = LN (average demand). In case, you want to know more about how to do it in excel, do go to youtube with these keywords or see the links below. The slope/coefficient/parameter (β1, β2 etc.) should be interpreted as the impact (effect) of these variables (variable 1, variable 2 etc.) on the demand. Say, with + sign, increase; with – sign, decrease (i.e. increase in variable, say, in tariff, which is actually tax, would impact demand as per the sign of the estimate of β). Another hint: According to Laffer Curve, as taxes (tariffs in our case) increase from low levels, tax revenue collected by the government also increases. It also shows that tax rates increasing after a certain point would cause people not to work as hard or not at all, thereby reducing tax revenue and as a result their real income. And: According to Phillips Curve, Decreased unemployment in an economy correlates with higher rates of inflation (up to a certain extent). That does not necessarily translates into greater total real income in the economy but we could assume that more people will be employed affecting sales dependant on the number of stores (this is just an assumption). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBocR96UdyY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7TMCYuDbDc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlbdkgYz7FM&t=23s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBocR96UdyY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7TMCYuDbDc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlbdkgYz7FM&t=23s
Answered Same DayDec 03, 2020ECO600ICMS (International College of Management Sydney)

Answer To: Hi guys, Just want to elaborate on the last paper of yours as promised. I guess the way to go is to...

Soma answered on Dec 06 2020
150 Votes
The market research department of Schemeckt Gut has collected the data to estimate the potential demand for energy bar in Atollia. A change in any one or all the variables will have a significant impact on the average demand for energy bar in Atollia. Now let us predict the impact of changes in average in income, tariffs, and inflation on the average demand.
Now we have four case scenarios.
1. Scenario 1 : 1% increase in income with 2% increase in inflation and 7.5% tariff rate.
We have incorporated the inflation rate here. Inflation rate will affect the real income. For example, when there is 1% rise in income, the average income will be 15500*(1+0.01) = 15655. But with 2% inflat
ion rate, the real income has increased only by 15655/( 1+0.02) = 15348. We have calculated the real income for every level of inflation.
There is a rise in tariff rate of 7.5%. New tariff rate for the first tariff rate column will be 5+0.075*5= 5.38.
    Regression Statistics
    Multiple R
    R Square
    Adjusted R Square
    Standard Error
    Significance F
    Standard Error
    t Stat
    Lower 95%
    Upper 95%
    Lower 95.0%
    Upper 95.0%
    X Variable 1
    X Variable 2
    X Variable 3
From the summary output we can formulate the estimated demand equation:
Considering the two decimal points, we can further simplify the equation as
Interpretations of the coefficients:
The value of the intercept is – 3.55669. The intercept of the estimated demand curve is negative. It has useful +meaning only when the coefficients of all variables equal to zero.
Income of the consumer:
Income is one of the key determinants of the demand for energy bar. . In case 1 scenario, income has increased by1% but the inflation rate is 2% thus the real income has come down.
The coefficient for real income is +0.65544. The positive sign supports the theoretical prediction of model – a positive relation between the income of the consumer and the demand for energy bars. It further reflects that 1% increase in income will cause the demand for energy bars to rise by 0.655%. Since the income elasticity has come as positive, it shows the energy bar is a normal good. Moreover, the value of income elasticity of less than 1 suggest that it is necessity not a luxury product. (Mankiw, 2014)
Import Tariff:
Import tariff is now increased by 7.5%. The coefficient for the import tariff is . Higher the import tariff, lower will be the demand for energy bars in Atollia. The negative sign also supports the theoretical prediction of the model. As a value of import elasticity, the coefficient indicates that 1% rise in imports rate will lead to reduce the demand by 0.4343%.
It provides clear indication that if Atollia imposed a higher tariff it will be difficult for Schemeck Gut to penetrate in the market with their new product.
Number of stores:
According to the regression results, the coefficient for the number of stores is . The positive sign indicates that the demand for energy bars will rise with the rise in number of stores that sells the energy bars. It also supports the theoretical prediction of the model.
Statistical Significance of the Model:
R^2 value:
R^ 2 value for this model has come out to be 0. 903976.. This shows 90.39% of the variations in dependent variables have been explained by the independent variables by this model. In other words, remaining 9.6024% of the variations of dependent variations are not explained in the model. The value of R^2 indicates the goodness of fit of the model. A model is said to be perfect when the R^ 2value comes as 1.
t statistics:
t stat is an important too through which we can evaluate the statistical significance of the model. The theory behind the t stat is if the estimated value of t stat is greater than the critical value at 5% level of significance, the variable is said to be statistically significant. (Wooldridge, 2009)
Now from the t distribution table, we can confirm that the critical value of t sat at 5% level of significance is 2.110.
The t stat for income coefficient is 2. 027859.. The value of estimated t stat is less than the critical value. This implies that the result is not statistically significant. We fail to reject the null hypothesis
The t value for the variable import tariff is -5.9743. The absolute value is greater than the critical value and the result is statistically significant. We can reject the null hypothesis.
The t value for the variable number of stores 3.089646. The result is also statistically significant because the estimated t stat is greater than the critical value. We can reject the null hypothesis.
P value:
Statistical significance can also be inferred with the help of P value of the model. Since the P value for all the variables ae less than 0.05 we fail to reject the alternative hypothesis and accept the null hypothesis
Scenario 2
3% increase in income with 3% inflation rate and 10% tariff rate
In this case, the average income of the consumer has increased by 3% but the inflation rate is also 3%. Thus, there will be no change in real income of the consumer. But tariff rate has changed by 10%. We have incorporated the new values of tariff rate and then run the regression analysis.
The regression output for the new scenario is as follows:
    Regression Statistics
    Multiple R
    R Square
    Adjusted R Square
    Standard Error
    Significance F
    Standard Error

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