Find a success story or a failure story of online businesses during covid-19. Explain their success/failure in terms of revenue models, web presence strategies, web marketing techniques, CRM, vendor...

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Find a success story or a failure story of online businesses during covid-19. Explain their success/failure in terms of revenue models, web presence strategies, web marketing techniques, CRM, vendor management, logistics , and creating trust for online users. ”Students can choose success stories like Woolworths, Coles online business that flourished during Covid-19.

Answered Same DayJun 10, 2022

Answer To: Find a success story or a failure story of online businesses during covid-19. Explain their...

Anjali answered on Jun 11 2022
81 Votes
The success story of Woolworth
Woolworths subsidiary deals in retail and it was founded in the year 1924 and headquartered in Bella Vista NSW Australia. Brad Banducci is the CEO of this company and this company is continuously growing due to its quality of service and fast delivery of groceries at home. During the period of Covid 19, there are various threats that affected the sales of
Woolworths and this initiative was started by the executives of this organization to manage the business continuity during the period of Covid 19(, 2022). Shop safe is the name of the initiative under which the different customers can purchase the grocery by following the guidelines of COVID-19. This company guides the team members, communities, and customers to stay safe during the period of Covid-19 by sharing information related to personal care and hygiene. This company implemented the emergency management framework in the regions where the sales were impacted drastically. This team is responsible for managing the safety of the customers and team members, execution of different operations with agility is the key success factor of this model that is implemented by Woolworths.
Revenue model evaluation
Woolworths uses the transaction-based revenue model for its growth and development. The customer can purchase the product online through the official website of Woolworth and IT infrastructure is implemented in this organization to align the market requirement with the business operations(, 2022). By the use of online transactions the risk related to the spreading of Covid 19 can be avoided because there is not any kind of contact involved during the transaction. It is an online store that has net sales of US$3900 million and was ranked in the top 47 companies of the world during the period of Covid 19(, 2022). It is the biggest retailer in Australia and in the year of 2018, Woolworths enjoyed better returns from the small businesses. It has a 31% market share in retailing and it is the biggest contributor to the development of the Australian economy because it produces a GDP of 4.1% which is 53 billion in this country. This company is also dealing in New Zealand and it has 150 stores in this country(, 2022). It gives the extra points and profit to this organization and the repetition of this brand is also increased by increasing its reach to the other country. This supermarket store provides grocery items, fruits, pet items, and stationery items alongside household health and beauty supplements. A number of people love to shop from the website because they have trust in this brand. This company is doing best in the business market because it is selling the goods at a low price and generating high revenue from the sale. The quality of the product that is given by this company is very high and in this year the total profit that is generated by this company is 56,965 that is a very good profit as compared to the other companies that are dealing in this market and this amount is increasing with the rate of 6.1% per year(, 2022). This company already holds 80% shares of the market to decrease the competition and this company is having loyal customers as compared to the other companies in Australia. This company has implemented a good tracking system for the customers that brings the company a different mode of activity. This company also keeps a record of customer shopping bills that gives the assurance of managing this stock without any issue.
Web presence strategies
There are different strategies that have been implemented by the organization on its official website such as this website implemented the search engine optimization technique that helps to optimize the ranking of the website or the search engine results can be optimized by the use of this technique. Paid...

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