Extracted text: Object Oriented Programming Using Java and JavaEx I want a clear solution to this project in Java language, I want you to explain everything through the comments inside the code, attach the text code, attach the output screenshots and screenshots of the code, explaining everything, becanse the professor will discuss with us, so make the solution very clear and explained through the comments. The solution must be new and unique to me, not repeated by any student Object Oriented Programming Using Java Final Project A simple Library Management System aims at developing a computerized system to maintain all the day-to-day activity of a library. This functional project handles data of books and their copies, users that can be either students or teachers as well as book loans. Each book has an id, title, publisher, author, year, number of copies, copies of the book, financial value and status(true if at least one copy is available). Each copy has id, status whether a copy is available to be borrowed of not and insert date. A user has id, first name, last name, password and registration date. In addition to the total fine which is the total of each fine the user get for every late return of a book. Students has major whereas staff has department. When borrowing a book, the system recording the copy of the book being issued (borrowed), the borrower and the date at which borrowed. The system must first check for the copy availability and record the retum date which is 3 days from the issue date. Along with issuing the books, the retum dates must be shared with the students. In case of failure in returm on or before the last date, the student will be charged a penalty fine, based on the per day rate multiplied by the number of days. 1. Classes : recommended that at least you device the following classes • User • Student • Staff • Book (id, title, publisher, author, number of copies, ArrayList
, financial value, status, ..) • Copy (id, insert date, status, ,..) • Book Loan(borrower, copyOfBook, date From, dateReturned, fine,..) • All of your classes should have at least: • Constructors that initialize their instance variables. • Provide set and get methods for instance variables as needed. • equals method for example two books are equal if they have similar id and title. • toString method • Any other reasonable appropriate methods you need to accomplish the requirements. 2. Use graphical interface. You may use the javafx scene builder. 3. You may use text files/Database to save your data otherwise use arraylists or any other appropriate data structure to hold it. 4. Functional Requirement of the system: User Sign Up/Log In: Creating a new account for new users and returned users can login. • Adding/ Searching a book in the library: Adding new books to the library including the number of copies of each individual book and allocating unique IDs to individual books. Searching for books by title/id. A status of a book is available if at least one of its copies is available. Issue and Return book Issuing/returning a copy of a book means changing its status. Before issuing any book, check for its availability. Compute fine charge as described earlier Display issued books for a specific user Best of Luck