Final Prompts and Logistics, Winter 2017International Political Economy of East AsiaI. The PromptsQ1. âThe Asian model of development still holds relevant and positive lessons for todayâsdeveloping countries. The basic model is an easily replicable one. Many other countries possessor can develop the domestic attributes and institutions that the East Asian nations utilized.Despite some changes in the international environment, nations can still find opportunities thatthey are able to take advantage of. Todayâs developing nations can still draw lessons from thismodel in their efforts to industrialize and develop.â[For the debate, Team D will AGREE, Team A will DISAGREE]Q2. âTo understand the inherent flaws of the East Asian approach to development, one shouldlook at what happened during the Asian Financial Crisis. Whenever a government becomes tooinvolved in guiding its economy, bad things follow. Market signals become distorted,investment becomes excessive, and regional and global export markets become saturated.Economic decisions become overly politicized and infected by crony capitalism. The East Asianapproach also entails other significant costs, ranging from authoritarianism to the exploitation oflabor to environmental degradation. Given these flaws and costs, newly developing countriesshould be discouraged from even thinking about emulating this developmental model.â[For the debate, Team B will AGREE, Team C will DISAGREE]II. Final Logistics– The final debate will be held on Thursday, March 23, from 1:30 to 3:30 pm, in our regularroom. The structure of the debates will be the same as for the midterm, except that each debatewill be 60 minutes in length. The formal speakers will be limited to 1 ½ minutes each, afterwhich we will open the discussion to other members of the two teams, and then to the entireclass. Since it is a two-hour final, there will be more time for a class-wide debate, so beprepared. As for the midterm, 5 speakers should present the intro and main arguments, and theremaining members should act as prosecutors/ rebutters. The last member should also serve as acloser.I expect all team members to be working with and contributing to their team, even those whospoke or debated for the midterm. This will not only help your team get prepared, and to winthat valuable extra debate point, but will more importantly help you in writing your own papers.I will announce the Team meetings as they are determined. Remember that all meetings areopen to all, regardless of team. Also, your team should come to your meeting as prepared aspossible.C. The Take-Home Final PapersAs you did for the midterm, you will be writing on BOTH of the two questions in your finalexam, except that your essay will be SIX double-spaced pages. Address the other question in asingle-page extended outline format. 1 Remember to cover BOTH sides of the debate, and stay focused on the parameters of thequestion. Get as deep into the analysis as you can. You should have your own position, ofcourse, but you must demonstrate that you fully understand all sides of these one-sidedstatements. (I append the ârubricâ I use at the bottom of this message.)As before, you will need to draw on all of the materials that we have covered throughout thecourse, including from before the midterm. Also, be sure to bring in insights from our readingswhen appropriate, especially since we have had to skim so much of the material at the end of thequarter.You of course are writing your own, original papers, but I encourage you to work with, and learnfrom, your teammates.* Please put your name on a front cover page, but not on the inner pages of your essay orextended outline (please include your student ID on subsequent pages).If you have questions, you can contact me via e-mail or on my cell phone (949-677-7014). Rubric for grading essays and outlinesI. Substance and presentation– covers both sides, in a balanced manner; stays focused on the parameters of the debate– covers all core points, with proper emphasis on the most important arguments– presents materials in an organized manner (demonstrating understanding of the argument)II. Strength of Analysis– grapples with arguments on both sides, assesses validity of assumptions and evidence– presents strong, thoughtful, deep, and insightful analysis (as opposed to mere description)– has a clear and analytically supported argument/conclusionIII. Effort– shows evidence of having really thought about the question– incorporates insights from the readings (i.e., not just based on lecture or group work) 2