Final Assignment:Red Bull Predictive ModelingScenario: You are an analyst at Red Bull. Your goal is to use predictive modeling to showwhich online teams’ channel should get a $100,000 bonus. You have...

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Final Assignment:Red Bull Predictive ModelingScenario: You are an analyst at Red Bull. Your goal is to use predictive modeling to showwhich online teams’ channel should get a $100,000 bonus. You have been given data from each ofthe 7 subcategories of the online campaigns.The 7 categories are:● Banner ads● Facebook● Instagram● E-zine● TV ads● Twitter● YouTubeUsing the given excel sheets, complete the following to do list:1. Run a Simple Linear Regression for EACH subcategory.Run a regression on each data file in Excel:§ Download the Red Bull files.§ Run a regression (DV: sales). For example, for the Facebook fileo Click the Data tab>Data Analysis>Regression.o Select the sales column as Input Y Range and the Facebook column as Input X Range.§ Determine the predicted sales amount for spending $100.§ Present your analysis in a profession way supporting your results with data visualizationtools. Who should win the bonus?2. Log Transform Sales for EACH categoryPlot your simple linear regression.

Microsoft Word - Red Bull Predictive Analytics Assignment.docx Final Assignment: Red Bull Predictive Modeling Scenario: You are an analyst at Red Bull. Your goal is to use predictive modeling to show which online teams’ channel should get a $100,000 bonus. You have been given data from each of the 7 subcategories of the online campaigns. The 7 categories are: ● Banner ads ● Facebook ● Instagram ● E-zine ● TV ads ● Twitter ● YouTube Using the given excel sheets, complete the following to do list: 1. Run a Simple Linear Regression for EACH subcategory. Run a regression on each data file in Excel: § Download the Red Bull files. § Run a regression (DV: sales). For example, for the Facebook file o Click the Data tab>Data Analysis>Regression. o Select the sales column as Input Y Range and the Facebook column as Input X Range. § Determine the predicted sales amount for spending $100. § Present your analysis in a profession way supporting your results with data visualization tools. Who should win the bonus? 2. Log Transform Sales for EACH category Plot your simple linear regression. § Select Layout>Trendline>Linear Trendline § Create a new column with log sales o In the first row of the new column type “=LN(“, then select the first row of the sales column. Click “Enter.” o Drag that box down the entire column to calculate all log sales. § Run another regression but with log sales as Input Y Range instead of sales. § Plot the new regression. § Present your analysis in a profession way supporting your results with data visualization tools. Who should win the bonus? 3. Run a Multiple Regression § Open the redbull.xlsx file, which holds all of the subgroups’ data. § Run a multiple regression using all of the variables as controls. § This is the same process as before, but this time, select all of the columns besides sales for Input X Range. § Present your analysis in a profession way supporting your results with data visualization tools. Who should win the bonus now? Explain? 4. Remove variables from the Multiple Regression Red Bull model based on: 1. Does it improve adjusted R2? 2. Does it have an insignificant p-value? 3. Is it associated with the response variable by itself? 4. Is it strongly associated with another explanatory variables? (If yes, then including both may be redundant.) 5. Does common sense (face validity) say it should contribute to the model? 6. What would you eliminate from the model? § Present your analysis in a profession way supporting your results with data visualization tools. Explain the results from each step. data twitterbannerfacebookinstagramyoutubetvezinesalesregion 88290.4332.70325.92600525703.7300000W 4477.66250272.825835.625658334000N 345200.7505.705.827205.627003.9344000E 0308.2420.460.9027925.227607363000S 0258406.870.3030863.430605.3405000W 0533.4336.743034504.733970.3460500N 0230.399934.202879028559.8437900E 345424.8523003080230387.3447500S 0958.62809.4305.5200.230233.629275448800W 5445.920852202.49.730204.430208.5464000W 00.3206.4234403059.33059463600E 42322250.33944.507476.37244.2484700W 0624.92447453406649.76024.8501300W 8433.20004630.3349827300N 72960006735.85439.730600E 7850.800050645003.333900E 7832.70006862.36729.636900E 010002496064.663.636500N 04.54.5287805.5038100E 0200785.72057.609070.46964.341000S 0324.50003780.33456.84200E 99946.600400.935042567.54700E 4430800894.92545.222276100E 661000036.8692.4690.46100E 5527.300546.228.306100E 3410000594.423523424000N 89100002024.62022000E 450.40.8002402.62402.218300S 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423730023446972.66799.6110000E 2341005303944.5673672123100S 342682.300453496.6504.3135000W 01000356.60865.8864.8149000N 010034.644402984.52983.5164000W 0100208.864006335.96334.9185500S 030.9553620.2050445003.2193500S 0550.2508.42506.224964240.43690.2198500W 234940028783354.53060.5209000W 24320000778.82057.69370.79370.7218500W 23410070.6002015000S 42310028.20056.455.416500W 234100299002008.82007.816500N 342356.90006095.34738.417500E 234830.40009604.98774.535000S 24397.60004668.7457047500E 2343.80007093.9709063000E 42310072.500282.3280.385000W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E twitter banner facebook instagram youtube 88 290.4 332.7 0 325.9 44 77.6 625 0 272.8 345 200.7 505.7 0 5.8 0 308.2 420.4 60.9 0 0 258 406.8 70.3 0 0 533.4 336.7 43 0 0 230.3 999 34.2 0 345 424.8 523 0 0 data bannersales 290.4300000 77.6334000 200.7344000 308.2363000 258405000 533.4460500 230.3437900 424.8447500 958.6448800 5.9464000 0.3463600 232484700 624.9501300 33.227300 29630600 50.833900 32.736900 10036500 4.538100 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Answered 3 days AfterAug 05, 2021

Answer To: Final Assignment:Red Bull Predictive ModelingScenario: You are an analyst at Red Bull. Your goal is...

Atreye answered on Aug 09 2021
160 Votes
1. Output of simple linear regression for each subcategory:
The predicted sales amount for spending $100 is tabulated below:
    TV ads
From the above chart, it is evident that sales for YouTube is the highest among all other categories. This implies that YouTube’s team should w
in the bonus.
2. Plot of simple linear regression for each subcategory:
Output of simple linear regression for log transformed sales:
Plot of simple linear regression of log-sales for each subcategory:
    TV ads
The predicted log-sales amount for spending $100 is tabulated below:
From the above chart, it is evident that log sales for Twitter is the highest among all other categories. This implies that Twitter’s team should win the bonus.
3. Multiple regression model:
The predicted sales amount for spending $100 using multiple regression model is tabulated below:
From the above chart, it is evident that sales for Instagram is the highest among all other categories. This implies that Instagram’s team should win the bonus.
4. Remove variables from the Multiple Regression Red Bull model
1. If we remove the twitter and YouTube category from multiple regression model, then it will increase adjusted R-square value from 0.655212357 to 0.66165928.
2. they are both insignificant as the corresponding p-values are 0.961728885 and 0.766094073 which are not significant.
3. From the below graphs it is evident that they are not associated with the response variable sales.
4. From the correlation matrix, it is seen that there is very high correlation between TV and E-zine. So, TV will be removed from the existing model to avoid redundancy.
5. It does make sense, that banner, Facebook, Instagram and E-zine will contribute to the model.
6. Finally, Twitter, YouTube and TV will be removed from the multiple linear regression model.
The final multiple regression model output is as below:
The predicted sales amount for spending $100 using final multiple regression model is tabulated below:
From the above chart, it is evident that sales for Instagram is the highest among all other categories. This implies that Instagram’s team should win the bonus.
George A. Morgan, R. J. (June01,2003). Use and interpretation of multiple regression. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATARY, Volume 42, Isusue 6, P738-740.
Khushbu Kumari, S. Y. (2018). Linear regression analysis study. Journal of the PRACTICE OF CARDIOVASCULAR SCIENCES, Volume 4, Issue 1, P33-P36.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R0.072998143
R Square0.005328729
Adjusted R Square-0.004054962
Standard Error228542.8304
dfSSMSFSignificance F
CoefficientsStandard Errort StatP-valueLower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0%
Regression Statistics
Multiple R0.045806221
R Square0.00209821
Adjusted R Square-0.007315958
Standard Error228913.6631

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