FINAL ASSESSMENT, EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CHRONIC DISEASES You are required to write a review paper to be submitted to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (, following the...

FINAL ASSESSMENT, EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CHRONIC DISEASES You are required to write a review paper to be submitted to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (, following the guidelines for authors ( You need to review the available information about controversial topic of great importance in chronic diseases: the association between fat consumption (particularly saturated fats) on cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The current hypothesis that fat consumption increases the risk of CVD was initially defined in the 1950’s. For your review, the initial point is the following graph (from Keys 1953, attached). A subsequent paper by Yerushalmy and Hilleboe in 1957 (also attached) identified several methodological issues about this study. Over time, the quality of studies improved. The most recent meta-analysis was published in March 2014 ( So, in your review you will need to take into account the level of evidence of the papers you retrieved. The main items of your review will be: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. For your review you need to complete at least 12 references (excluding the attached ones). The structure of your review (in terms of sections, references style, length, etc) will be those specified by the Journal. Word counting will not be considered, but scientific writing should be straight and clear. Verbosity will be penalised. Although performing a meta-analysis is not required for this assignment, this example may help you in your review: Feel free to be as generic or specific as you wish, as I understand this topic has many angles. I will not mark based on my own believes, but on the logical flow of your work. Specifically, marks will be allocated according to the following marking key: FINAL ASSESSMENT – EPI6000- MARKING KEY Student # Name Component Student Mark TITLE, ABSTRACT AND INTRODUCTION Clear, informative and motivating title Abstract concise and informative (following Journal instructions) Rationale for manuscript clearly stated /15 METHODS OR DESIGN SECTION Clear and appropriate search criteria and inclusion/exclusion criteria Clear definition of variables Description of statistical analyses performed (if any) Appropriate description of criteria to evaluate the evidence /20 RESULTS SECTION Studies are appropriately classified Adequate description of each study and its findings The information is appropriately summarised in tables and/or graphs Adequate critical appraisal of each study /20 DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary of overall findings based on the evidence Adequate discussion of methodological issues identified in the literature Adequate explanations for conflicting results Recommendations for future research are specific and based on gaps identified in the literature /35 STRUCTURE & STYLE Good scientific style: writing is clear, succinct, with a logical flow of ideas Little or no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors; good use of headings, subheadings In text citations and reference list according to instructions /10 TOTAL /100

Oct 07, 2019

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