FIN 4100 Management of Financial Institutions Fall 2019 Assignment 2 – repricing gap analysis and management You may do this assignment individually or with one other person. 1. Obtain the most recent...

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FIN 4100 Management of Financial Institutions Fall 2019 Assignment 2 – repricing gap analysis and management You may do this assignment individually or with one other person. 1. Obtain the most recent Call Report for a bank located in a state other than Utah. Indicate the name and state of the bank you select, as well as the FDIC certificate number. [You can find Call Reports by searching the FDIC’s Institution Directory.] 2. From the call report obtain the maturity and repricing data for securities, loans and leases, and for deposit liabilities. Enter the amounts on a table with columns: maturities 3m >3m-1y >1y-3y >3y-5y >5y-15y >15y assets Securities MBS pass-throughs Other MBS Loans 1-4 family Other loans liabilities Brokered deposits 250k Brokered deposits >250k Time deposits 250k Time deposits >250k In addition, obtain the total savings deposits (in both “money market deposit accounts” and “other savings deposits” [Information for: securities is in schedule RC-B with a notation in the right margin M.2.a.1. through M.2.a.6., M.2.b.1. through M.2.a.6., and M.2.c.1 and M.2.c.2.; loans and leases is in schedule RC-C Part 1 with a notation in the right margin M.2.a.1. through M.2.a.6., and M.2.b.1. through M.2.a.6.; brokered deposits is in schedule RC-E with a notation in the right margin M.1.d.1. and M.1.d.3.; time deposits is in schedule RC-E with a notation in the right margin M.3.a.1. through M.3.a.4. and M.4.a.1. through M.4.a.4.; MMDAs and other savings deposits is in in schedule RC-E with a notation in the right margin M.2.a.1. and M.2.a.2.] 3. Assume a run-off percentage for total MMDA and other savings deposits between 15% and 50%, that occurs in the >3m-1y maturity range. 4 Compute the total rate sensitive assets (RSA) and rate sensitive liabilities (RSL) for maturity ranges: “3 months or less”; “over 3 months through 1 year”; “over 1 year through 3 years”; and “over 3 years”. When computing these totals: Include all “other MBS” assets from the “<3y” maturity="" range="" in="" the="" “over="" 1="" year="" through="" 3="" years”="" total.="" include="" all="" assets="" from="" the="" “="">3y-5y”, “>5y-15y”, and “>15y” ranges in the “over 3 years” total. Include all brokered deposits in the “over 3 months through 1 year” total. Include all expected runoff from MMDA and savings deposits in the “over 3 months through 1 year” total. 5. Compute the repricing gap for: three months or less, over three months through 12 months, over one year through three years, over three years. 6. Identify which repricing gaps have reinvestment risk and which have refinancing risk. 7. Compute the cumulative gap (CGAP) for one year, three years, and over three years. 8. Identify which cumulative gaps have reinvestment risk and which have refinancing risk. 9. Describe the expected effect on annual net interest income (NII) if over the next three months interest rates on RSA and RSL are expected to: a. decrease by 0.25% (25 basis points). b. increase by 0.50% (50 basis points). 10. Describe the expected effect on annual NII if over the next twelve months interest rates on RSA and RSL are expected to increase by 1.25%. 11. Describe the expected effect on net interest income if over the next twelve months interest rates on RSA are expected to increase by 150 basis points and interest rates on RSL increase by 100 basis points. 12a. For the worst outcome from the four scenarios in questions 9 through 11, describe what actions the bank’s management should take with respect to RSA and RSL to minimize the risk associated with the expected change in interest rates? (Be specific about the maturity of the assets and liabilities for which changes are recommended.) b. If the bank follows the recommendations from part a, i. what affect will the changes in assets will have on the bank’s interest income, ii. what effect the recommended change in liabilities will have on the bank’s interest expense, and iii. what will the net effect on the change in the bank’s net interest income be?
Answered Same DayOct 09, 2021

Answer To: FIN 4100 Management of Financial Institutions Fall 2019 Assignment 2 – repricing gap analysis and...

Komalavalli answered on Oct 15 2021
151 Votes
    Q1)     I have choosen Liberty bank in the city Middletown of Connecticut state in U.S for the repr
icing gap analysis
        FDIC certificate number for the bank is 17943
    Q2)    Repricing Time Buckets    Maturities    £3m    >3m-1y    >1y-3y    >3y-5y    >5y-15y    >15y
            Securities    3928    114853    420    1052    41560    500
            MBS pass-throughs    7818    25020    6607    17739    26525    19361
        Asset    Other MBS    63218    63218    63218    440359    440359    440359
            Loans 1-4 family    31507    143234    279317    177579    283702    37168
            Other loans    944796    257073    709628    604936    398433    368
            Brokered deposits £250k    0    0    0    0    0    0
        Liabilities    Brokered deposits >250k    0    0    0    0    0    0
            Time deposits £250k    145354    433181    259786    19433    19433    19433
            Time deposits >250k    266672    97141    52262    1374    1374    1374
    Q3)    Maturities    Amount in $    Run off % estimated
        MMDA    802580    32.5    260838.5
        Other Saving deposits    1719519    32.5    558843.675
        Total             819682.175
    Q4)    Repricing time bucket    £3m    >3m-1y    >1y-3y    >3y                Repricing time bucket    £3m    >3m-1y    >1y-3y    >3y
        Rate Sensitive assests    0    0    1185626    2930000                Rate sensitive...

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