FimalEssays ,i,
n.) Please discuss the meehanisms that Eordeteiia pertussis, Streptococcus pneumoniaet,
Corynebacterium diphtheriae and lufycobacterium tuberculosis utilize to cause disease in the
respiratory tract You must state what disease these, microorganisms cause and what role does
transduction play in their disease catrsing process. In addition, please discuss the host immune
defenses the microbes would have to overcome to be successftil at cau-sing disease. Also, please
discuss what the microbe could contain that would allow them to overcome these host imrnune
responses, and the associatio.n betweren normal flora and respiratory tract infections. Include a
discussion what roles personal hygiene, quorum sensing and sequential timing play in :microbial
respiratory tract diseases. What's a receptor-mecliated process? What's the significanee of SOD
and catalase to the pathogenesis of lTordetella pertusis? What's an obligate aerobe? Slhat's
generalized and specialized hansduction and their significance to the pathogenesis of
Str epto co c cws pneurnoniae and C orlmeb acteriurn diphtheriae?
2.) Please discuss the mechanisms that Clostridium tetani and botulinum, Streptococctts
pneumoniae and Trypanosoma cruz,i and brucei. utilize to causie disease in the nervous system.
You must state what disease these nticroorganisms cause. In aimmune defenses that the microbes would have to overcome to be successful at causing disease.
(Hint: A.) lnclude the tlmee routes of en1ry to gain access to thr: nervous systern and thrs role of the
blood brain barrier. B.) Explain whart physical frauma has to do with microbial diseases of the
nelvous system. C.) Include a discurssioll on quorum sensing, aLnd its relationship to diseases in
the nervous system.) lnclude a discurssion what roles personal lhygiene and sequential timing play
in microbial nervous system diseases. Please include methods to prevent Clostridium tetani dnd
botulinum fiom causiing disease. Also, include a section on whether or not we can eradlicate
Trypanosoma spllmd why we probably cannot develop a vacc;ine for Trypanosoma
infections.Lastly, please include a section on the relationship tretween toxoids and Clostridiuim
tetani and botulinum.
3.) Please discuss the mechanisms that lVeisseria gonorrheae, E. coli, Staplrylococcus
sapropltyticus and HIV utilize to cause disease in the urogenital tract. You must state what
disease these microorganisms cause. In addition, please list and explain the host immune defenses
that the micnobe wornld have to ovel'come to be successful at causing disease. Include in your
discussion the basic differences between the female and male urogenital, which could play a role
in the success of these microbes to r:ause disease. Also, please discuss the assooiation befween
normal flora and urogential iafections, and the role of the port of entry and exit for the microbes
to establish successfirl infections. Plleiase include methods to prevent these microorganisms from
disease. In addition, please include on ElfV's ability to use reverse transcription and integration
into the hosl.'s genome
4") Please discuss the mechanisms that Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staplrylococcus
aureus,Propionibacteriurn acnes and Streptococcus pyogenes :uttlize to cause disease on skin and
in the eyes. You must state what disiease these microorganisms cause. In additionL, please list and
explain the host imnnune defenses that the microbe would have to overcome to be sucr:essful at
causing disease (Include a discussion what role personal hygierne plays in microbial strin and eye
infections). Also, please list and explain whattke microbes could conthnthrtwould allow them
to overcome these host immune responses. Please explain how these infections could lead to
more serious conditions such as enclocarditis. (Ilint: Discuss the relationship between local and
systemic infections and septicemia,) Include a discussion what roles quorum sensing and
sequential timing play in microbial skin and eye diseases.
5.) Please discuss the mechanisms that Sfi^eptococcus mutans, Helicobacter pylori, E. coli and
Staphylococcus aureus and Taenia solium utilize to cause disease in the digestive tract. In
addition, please list and explain the host immurie defenses that microbes would havo to overcome
to be successful at causing disease. As we have studied, some parasites can cause digestive tract
infections and some have the ability to form cysts. Please explain how a cyst may play a role in
the ability of the parasite to cause disease. In addition, please explain the difference between
excystation and encystation. Also, please discuss the association between normal flora and
digestive tract infections, and the role of the port of entry and exit for the microbes to establish
successful infections. Include a discussion what roles personal hygiene, quorum sensing and
sequential timing play in microbial digestive tract diseases. In addition, please state in your
answer the roles of proper food preparation and sanitation play in the decrease of-microbial
digestive tract infections and the significance of a capsule on particular strains of E. coli that
causes digestive tract infection vs. strains of E. boli that cause urinary traot infections.
tr aboratory fteport
Microbiology Falt 2008
Write a report summarizing and inteqpreting the data from ihe handwashine/fqldtes
experiment. Your report must be typed and well written. It should be divided into the
following sections:
In two or lhree sentences, state why you did the experiment.
This section gives background information about the handwashing
experiment to give the reader a better understanding of the importance of the
You r;hould describe your experimental protocol in enrepeat yoru work.
Results are normally described verbally, with reference to a visual presentation
such as a1:able, graph, etc. Yes, the visual presentation is required.
Summariz:e the results as concisely as possible, pref'erably in a short, and specific
paragpaph. You should discuss any problems or unusual results in the data. If
possible, present explanations for such discrepancies. This section ties together
your introduction and results.
References (optional)
You are not required to use sources other than your notebook.and lab manual, but
if you do, they should be referenced in ttre text where they are relevant.
References are stated by "MLA" rules. See me if you don't understand how to do
IVtricrobiology Fall2008
Write a report surnmarizing and interpreting the datafrom your Lab. Exercise 13:
Environnnent ElTects on Microbial Growth experiment.'Your report must be typed
and well written. It should be divided into the following sections:
Purpose (2 pts.)
In two or three sentences, state why you did the experiment.
Hypothesis (3 pts)
Please include a hypothesis on what you expected from each method and its mode
of action.
Background (5 pts)
This section gives background information about the experiment to give the
reader a better understanding of the importance of the experiment. Make sure you
explain how each method controls microbial growth. For example, heat controls
microbial growth by denaturing proteins.
ProceduresAvlethods (3 pts)
You should describe your experimental protocol in enough detail for someone to
repeat the experiment as you performed with, hopefully, getting the same results.
Results (4 pts)
Results are normally described verbally, with reference to a visual presentation
such as a.table, graph, etc.
Discussion (8 pts)
Summarize the results as concisely as possible, preferably in a short, and specific
paragraph. You should discuss any p
possible, present explanations for su,
your introduction, hypothesis and rel
practical application to our society o
Extra Credit (10 pts.)
Design an antimicrobial medication that would be an effective antifirngal;antibacterial,
antiviral and antihelminth that could be taken orally. Include in yoru answer methods to
test the effectiveness of your antimicrobial. You must describe the target sites of this
"magic bullet." In other words, you must state how your magic bullet works. The
antimicrobial should present avery low to no toxic effect for the host and at same time
decrease the chances of initiating the development of antimicrobial resistance. In
addition, include how you would grow and test the effectiveness of the antimicrobial (for
this part, don't forget its antiviral activity). (Hint for the antiviral portion of your
antimicrobial: choose your target site very carefirlly) (Of course, this is
IIYPOTIDTICAL) (Hint: Choose target sites that would have minimum to no adverse
efflects on the host.)