Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements: a) Streams are objects that implement interface Stream and enable you to perform functional programming tasks on ______of elements. b) The...

Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements:

a) Streams are objects that implement interface Stream and enable you to perform functional

programming tasks on ______of elements.

b) The intermediate stream operation ______results in a stream containing only the

elements that satisfy a condition.

h) ______place the results of processing a stream pipeline into a collection such as a

List, Set or Map.

c) Calls to filter and other intermediate streams are lazy—they aren’t evaluated until an

eager______ operation is performed.

d) Pattern method______ (new in Java SE 8) uses a regular expression to tokenize a


e) Functional interfaces
contain only one______ method, but may also contain

_______methods and static methods that are fully implemented in the interface


May 19, 2022

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