Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements: a) Stream ______are formed from stream sources, intermediate operations and terminal operations. b) The following code uses the technique...

Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements:

a) Stream ______are formed from stream sources, intermediate operations and terminal


b) The following code uses the technique of______ iteration:

sum =

counter =
0; counter <>

sum += values[counter];

c) Functional programming capabilities focus on ______not modifying the data

source being processed or any other program state.

d) The functional interface______ contains method accept that takes a T argument

and returns void; accept performs a task with its T argument, such as outputting the

object, invoking a method of the object, etc.

e) The functional interface______ contains method get that takes no arguments and

produces a value of type T—this is often used to create a collection object in which a

stream operation’s results are placed.

May 19, 2022

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