Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements: a) A(n)______ represents an anonymous method—a shorthand notation for implementing a functional interface. b) Intermediate stream operations are...

Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements:

a) A(n)______ represents an anonymous method—a shorthand notation for implementing

a functional interface.

b) Intermediate stream operations are ______they aren’t performed until a terminal

operation is invoked.

c) The terminal stream operation______ performs processing on every element in a


d) ______lambdas use local variables from the enclosing lexical scope.

e) A performance feature of lazy evaluation is the ability to perform______ evaluation

that is, to stop processing the stream pipeline as soon as the desired result is available.

f) For Maps, a BiConsumer’s first parameter represents the______ and its second represents

the corresponding______ .

May 19, 2022

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