Files Updated. Must abide by these rules when coding this assignment: 1.Variable names should be descriptive. Simple variables such as a, t or x should be avoided. Variable names should begin with a...

Files Updated. Must abide by these rules when coding this assignment:

1.Variable names should be descriptive. Simple variables such as a, t or x should be avoided. Variable names should begin with a lower case letter and the first letter of each word should be capitalized.For example, firstPerson. The use of fp here would not be a descriptive variable name.2. Class names should begin with an Uppercase letter and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. For example, GoodClassName.3. Constant names should be all upper case. Words should be separated by and underscore. For example, CONSTANT_NUMBER.4. Indentation should provide the reader with a context for their location.5. Comments will be used. Poorly commented code will receive a lower grade. Comments should include descriptive text that will ensure a reader understands the code. All variables should be commented to ensure there is no confusion about the variables purpose.6. Blank lines should be used after comments, variable declaration blocks, constructors and after each method.7. Javadoc comments should be used to describe the class in the opening comment block a. Example class JavaDoc commentExample class comment/**Class: ClassName* @author Your Name* @version 1.0* Course : ITEC XXXX Spring 2012* Written: January 18, 2012*** This class – now describe what the class does** Purpose: – Describe the purpose of this class*/ · ClassName should be the name of the Java class.Not ITEC 3150 or some course number. If it is a public class, it will be the file name without the .java extension· The author is your name. Programs submitted without an author will lose points.· Version should start with 1.0. Minor changes should receive a point upgrade (1.1) and major changes increment the first number (2.0). · Course ITEC 3150, Spring, 2015 · Written: What date did you create this program? Please don’t make it the day it is due · Class Description- what does this class do at a high level · Purpose – why is this class created? What should a programmer expect this class to do b. Example method JavaDoc comment /** Method: Method Name * Convert calendar date into Julian day. * Note: This algorithm is from Press et al., Numerical Recipes * in C, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 1992 * @param day day of the date to be converted * @param month month of the date to be converted * @param year year of the date to be converted * @return the Julian day number that begins at noon of the * given calendar date. **/ · Method –must be a descriptive name of the method. Helps programmers reading the code understand the purpose of the method. methodName() is not a good name. printResults() is a better name. · @param – this is a Javadoc comment describing each argument to a method. Notice you can have multiple param lines, one for each argument. · @return – describes the results of the method and the type of the return value.8. In an if statement, use brackets ({}) to delimit the code that you want to execute even if you only have one statement in the if or else block.9. Use blank space to improve readability. For example when writing an expression with binary operators, use a blank around the operators. 10. Main methods should appear at the end of a source file.

Homework #2 –

ITEC 3150 – Fall 2020

Due Date:  Sunday, September 20, 2020 by 11:59 PM – NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED

Learning Objectives:

Read/write binary files

Create a GUI using JavaFx

Allow user interaction to display contents of the library

Populate multiple Scenes/Stages in the GUI

Acknowledge user input (double click)  in Java FX Gui


Given: (similar to the one used in your labs, but not exactly the same so please use the one given)

People.dat – a binary file of Person objects – a Java program that generates people.dat file I want you to use.

peopleFile.txt – a text file used by

Write a JavaFx program that incorporates reading and writing binary files.  Your program must read the attached people.dat file and use it to create a list of Person objects.  That list will be displayed in a JavaFX Gui similar to this (using ListView):

In addition, when an individual name is clicked on in the GUI, it should open a detail window with all information provided about that Person.  Like so:

Last, but not least- add a button labeled “New” to the original List view and when pressed, another GUI similar to your first JavaFX assignment should pop up and allow user to enter information for a new Person and upon completion- add that new Person to the list view.

Upon termination of the program, if a new object was added, overwrite the original people.dat file with all the information from the original list plus the new entries.

Grading Criteria:



Coding Standards


Read in binary file containing list of Person objects


Write to that binary file at with new objects at end of program


Display media library in JavaFx GUI (suggest ListView)


Open second stage displaying detail information of Person


Allow Entry of new Person to list


JavaFX GUI’s Readable and user friendly


May 18, 2022

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