Answer To: File I/O and strings 1. Create a file containing text or use one that is publicly available (e.g.,...
Vaishnavi R answered on May 09 2021
word, length, ASCI value, vowels,
apple, 5, 97, 2,
apricot, 7, 97, 3,
avocado, 7, 97, 4,
banana, 6, 98, 3,
berry, 5, 98, 1,
bilberry, 8, 98, 2,
blackberry, 10, 98, 2,
blackcurrant, 12, 98, 3,
blood, 5, 98, 2,
blueberry, 9, 98, 3,
boysenberry, 11, 98, 3,
cantaloupe, 10, 99, 5,
cherimoya, 9, 99, 4,
cherry, 6, 99, 1,
chico, 5, 99, 2,
clementine, 10, 99, 4,
cloudberry, 10, 99, 3,
coconut, 7, 99, 3,
cranberry, 9, 99, 2,
cucumber, 8, 99, 3,
currant, 7, 99, 2,
custard, 7, 99, 2,
damson, 6, 100, 2,
date, 4, 100, 2,
dragonfruit, 11, 100, 4,
durian, 6, 100, 3,
elderberry, 10, 101, 3,
feijoa, 6, 102, 4,
fig, 3, 102, 1,
fruit, 5, 102, 2,
goji, 4, 103, 2,
gooseberry, 10, 103, 4,
grape, 5, 103, 2,
grapefruit, 10, 103, 4,
guava, 5, 103, 3,
honeyberry, 10, 104, 3,
honeydew, 8, 104, 3,
huckleberry, 11, 104, 3,
jabuticaba, 10, 106, 5,
jackfruit, 9, 106, 3,
jambul, 6, 106, 2,
jujube, 6, 106, 3,
juniper, 7, 106, 3,
kiwano, 6, 107, 3,
kiwifruit, 9, 107, 4,
kumquat, 7, 107, 3,
lemon, 5, 108, 2,
lime, 4, 108, 2,
longan, 6, 108, 2,
loquat, 6, 108, 3,
lychee, 6, 108, 2,
mandarine, 9, 109, 4,
mango, 5, 109, 2,
mangosteen, 10, 109, 4,
marionberry, 11, 109, 4,
melon, 5, 109, 2,
miracle, 7, 109, 3,
mulberry, 8, 109, 2,
nance, 5, 110, 2,
nectarine, 9, 110, 4,
olive, 5, 111, 3,
orange, 6, 111, 3,
papaya, 6, 112, 3,
passionfruit, 12, 112, 5,
peach, 5, 112, 2,
pear, 4, 112, 2,
persimmon, 9, 112, 3,
physalis, 8, 112, 2,
pineapple, 9, 112, 4,
plantain, 8, 112, 3,
plum, 4, 112, 1,
plumcot, 7, 112, 2,
pomegranate, 11, 112, 5,
pomelo, 6, 112, 3,
prune, 5, 112, 2,
purple, 6, 112, 2,
quince, 6, 113, 3,
quitoense, 9, 113, 5,
raisin, 6, 114, 3,
rambutan, 8, 114, 3,
raspberry, 9, 114, 2,