File attached. Had to request the assignment again since the assignment provided last time was incomplete and not up to the mark as per the tutor. Also, it had high plagiarism please consider this as urgent
Task 1 – Project Procurement This assessment task requires you to: • work with others to determine procurement requirements and produce a procurement management plan for a project • carry out procurement and contracting activities according to agreed processes • monitor activities across a project's life cycle and resolve issues that could affect achievement of project objectives • create and maintain procurement records and documentation according to requirements of project and organisation • document a review of procurement management processes and procedures. Assuming you are part of the organization that was awarded the following tender: Bruce Rock District High School Recreational Courts Resurfacing Works. DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF THE WORKS: Location: Bruce Rock District High School 35 Dunstall Street, Bruce Rock WA 6418 Description: Refer to the document uploaded on Moodle. From page 70 to 92. Within your practice environment, complete each of the following parts: 1. Planning procurement • How do you plan when to acquire products and services needed to complete project activities? • Who is involved in deciding when products and services are ordered? • What documents do you refer to when deciding on when to order products or services? • What are the effects of a product or service arriving early? What about if they arrive late? 2. Market analysis • Delegate to a project team member responsibility for conducting a market analysis for a product or service that you need in a project you are currently working on. Ask them to conduct any necessary research and to source at least three potential suppliers. After they have prevented you with a list of suppliers, conduct a critique of how well they performed this task. • List the product or service that was being sourced here. • How well did the project team member conduct the supplier analysis? • Were there any gaps in their analysis? If so, please list them below. • How could the project team member have performed the analysis better? 2 | P a g e 3. Planning to procure • Describe the methods used to procure the products and services for the project you are working on. • What documents did you prepare to distribute to prospective sellers? • What type of contract was selected? Why was this type of contract selected? • What policies and procedures within your organization did you use to assist in planning how products and services would be procured? 4. Contract administration planning • For the project you are currently managing, describe the steps you took to plan the contract administration process. • What are the key performance indicators that your project team developed for the contract? • What process did you develop to review the contact’s performance throughout the project? • What types of reports are required in administering the contract? • Who was involved in the contract administration planning process from your project team? 5. Establishing procurement processes • What documented procedures do you normally follow in your organisation for: • Going to the market with a request for tender? • Evaluating responses? • Selecting preferred contractors? • Developing key performance indicators for a contract? • Monitoring contractor performance? • Making changes to the procurement management plan? • Conducting reviews of procurement activities? • If your organisation does not have these documents, how does it affect the ease with which you conduct procurement in your organisation? 6. Evaluation criteria • Obtain a copy of the evaluation criteria used when you acquired a product or service for a project you are currently managing. • Describe the product or service you acquired. • What were the evaluation criteria you used to select the successful contractor? List them below. • Comment on whether you found the criteria clear and useful or whether improvements needed to be made. • Which members of the project team were involved in developing the evaluation criteria? 3 | P a g e • What documents did you refer to in formulating the evaluation criteria? 7. Selecting the best supplier • Answer the following questions: • What were the key stages or milestones and the timeframe for the tender? • Who was on the tender selection panel and why? • What documentation was involved in the process (documentation from both the organisation seeking tenders and the tenderers in their responses)? • What are the key things to remember when running a competitive tender? • What are the pitfalls that need to be avoided? 8. Contracts • Based on your experience as a project manager, outline what you think are the most important characteristics of a good contract. • What assistance do you normally seek or require when writing contracts? • Describe how you reviewed the contracting and procurement activities on a project you worked on previously. • What methods did you use to review the contracting and procurement activities used in the project (e.g. procurement audits, review meetings, project team interviews etc.)? • How satisfactory was the contractor’s performance? • What issues, difficulties, or problems were identified in the review process? • Who was involved from your project team in the review? • What recommendations were made for future contracting and procurement activities as a result of your review? 9. Dispute resolution • Think of a time when you found yourself in dispute with the subcontractor. Answer the following questions about the dispute: • How did the dispute arise? Who was involved? • How did you manage the dispute? • What policies and procedures were available to assist you in handling the dispute? • What was the outcome? • What actions did you ask your project team members to take to resolve the dispute? 4 | P a g e 10. Procurement plan proforma The proforma contained below may assist you in recognising the sorts of procurement issues and activities that you will need to plan for involved in when developing a procurement plan. What goods /services will be required? For which unit or team will they be needed? What requirements do they have? Quantity or amount? When will the goods/services be required? Where will the goods/services be obtained? How will the contract be managed? How will the contract be finalised and reviewed? Other questions that you will need to ask when formulating a procurement plan are: • Describe the risks that are or were associated with this procurement. • What contracts were, or will be required? • How will these contracts be managed and by whom? 11. Evaluation of tender criteria and weighting system proforma Tenders, proposals or quotes are often evaluated using a weighting system. Each of the evaluation criteria are assigned a weighting for their importance. Then each of the proposals, bids or tenders are allocated a rating based on how well they meet the criteria. The weighting is then multiplied by the weighting to come up with an overall score. The scores for each criterion are then added up and compared against the other proposals to determine which proposal meets the evaluation criteria the best. This proforma provides a sample evaluation and weighting system that could be used to evaluate proposals and assist in selecting the preferred contractor. A 3-point scale for weighting the importance of the evaluation criteria could be: 3- Highly important 2- Important 1 – Desirable A four-point scale such as the one below could be used to rate how well the bid or proposal meets the evaluation criteria: 1 - Does not meet criteria 2 - Partially meet criteria 3 - Meets criteria 4 - Exceeds criteria 5 | P a g e An example of how the weighting system works is provided in the proforma below: Evaluation Criteria Weighting Proposal 1 Proposal 2 Proposal 3 Rating W x R score Rating W x R score Rating W x R score Ability to commence in accordance with project timeframe 2 3 6 4 8 3 6 12. Documented lessons learned and recommended improvements for future projects.