Express the following as semantic net with interconnected nodes and labelled arcs: Company ABC is a software development company. Three departments within the company are Sales, Administration and...

Express the following as semantic net with interconnected nodes and labelled arcs:<br>Company ABC is a software development company. Three departments within the company are<br>Sales, Administration and Programming. Joe is a manager of programming. Bill and Sue are<br>programmer. Sue is married to Sam. Sam is editor of PHI. They have three children and they live<br>on Elim street. Sue wears glasses and is 5.5 feet tall.<br>

Extracted text: Express the following as semantic net with interconnected nodes and labelled arcs: Company ABC is a software development company. Three departments within the company are Sales, Administration and Programming. Joe is a manager of programming. Bill and Sue are programmer. Sue is married to Sam. Sam is editor of PHI. They have three children and they live on Elim street. Sue wears glasses and is 5.5 feet tall.

Jun 09, 2022

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