- Exploring Cybersecurity Jobs
Indeed is one of the world’s largest job aggregators. Indeed helps millions of job seekers and employers find the right fit. The Indeed website posts a wide assortment of jobs from entry-level to top executives. Indeed also posts part-time jobs and internship opportunities.
- Explore Cybersecurity Job Postings:
- Open a browser and view the following video: “How to search for jobs with Indeed.com” (https://youtu.be/9gqsnA2Lk-0)
- Click here or got to http://www.indeed.com/ to perform a job search. Start by looking for all jobs in New York City, USA. Use the phrase
cyber security
for the first search. Record the number of job found.
- Do the same search but use the phrase
information security. Record the number of jobs found. Did you find more or less job postings? Why?
- Repeat these steps using the phrase
network security
for the third search. Record the number of jobs found. Did you find more or less job postings? Why?
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