Exploration Given that a and b are nonzero real numbers, determine the solutions of the equations. (a) ax 2 + bx = 0 (b) ax 2 − ax = 0 Given that the solutions of a quadratic equation are x = (−b ±...

Exploration Given that a and b are nonzero real numbers, determine the solutions of the equations. (a) ax2
+ bx = 0 (b) ax2
− ax = 0

Given that the solutions of a quadratic equation are x = (−b ± √(b2
− 4ac)/(2a), show that the sum of the solutions is S = −ba. 110. Proof Given that the solutions of a quadratic equation are x = (−b ± √(b2
− 4ac)/(2a), show that the product of the solutions is P = c/a.

May 19, 2022

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