Explain the ring topology with advantages and disadvantages Explain simplex and duplex procedures A network component receives and amplifies signals without evaluating data. Which component is it and...

computer network, please solve question 2

Explain the ring topology with advantages and disadvantages<br>Explain simplex and duplex procedures<br>A network component receives and amplifies signals without evaluating data.<br>Which component is it and to which OSI layer does it belong (reasons)<br>4th<br>Calculate maximum bit transmission rate Given: baud<br>rate 40MBaud and 4 characteristic states<br>Explain CSMA / CD<br>6th<br>The following bit sequence was received 1001101101 and the generator is 1011 Was<br>the bit sequence transmitted correctly?<br>7th<br>Determine the shortest paths (weighted edges) from A using the Link State Algorithm, create a<br>table as in the lecture<br>8th<br>from the address with packets are to be sent to and<br>, are the packets routed to another network?<br>9.<br>MTU is 1200Byte, which MSS results from this for / with TCP<br>10<br>Estimate the data transfer time for LAN (it is assumed that the line is not shared) with<br>100Mbit / s, 2ms delay and 1Mbyte to be transferred<br>The whole thing again with 1GBit / s<br>What times? and interpret the results<br>11th<br>An audio stream is to be transmitted live, which is more suitable TCP or UDP? Explain!<br>

Extracted text: Explain the ring topology with advantages and disadvantages Explain simplex and duplex procedures A network component receives and amplifies signals without evaluating data. Which component is it and to which OSI layer does it belong (reasons) 4th Calculate maximum bit transmission rate Given: baud rate 40MBaud and 4 characteristic states Explain CSMA / CD 6th The following bit sequence was received 1001101101 and the generator is 1011 Was the bit sequence transmitted correctly? 7th Determine the shortest paths (weighted edges) from A using the Link State Algorithm, create a table as in the lecture 8th from the address with packets are to be sent to and, are the packets routed to another network? 9. MTU is 1200Byte, which MSS results from this for / with TCP 10 Estimate the data transfer time for LAN (it is assumed that the line is not shared) with 100Mbit / s, 2ms delay and 1Mbyte to be transferred The whole thing again with 1GBit / s What times? and interpret the results 11th An audio stream is to be transmitted live, which is more suitable TCP or UDP? Explain!

Jun 11, 2022

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