expert first must read file attached is Midterm slide please must read that before starting assignment. then read below information I am Providing and then must read grading rubric.Midterm Report...

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expert first must read file attached is Midterm slide please must read that before starting assignment. then read below information I am Providing and then must read grading rubric.

Midterm Report instruction-

Current Events Topic Scenario/Ethical Dilemma


Confirm that you are able to explain beneficial and detrimental ways in which computing affects people, including the primary and secondary effects, and intended and unintended consequences. For the mid-term you are doing the analysis based on the scenario given and you are analyzing from the idea ofdoing the action of the dilemma. For example, what are the benefits of the moral agent doing the action mentioned in the ethical dilemma. Similarly, what are the detriments of doing that action.

Mid-Term Project

This analysis of the scenario of your current events topic counts as the IS 350 Mid-Term. This is an individual report.Each personwill do the Mid-Termon their own of the assigned topic, submitting your report to Turnitin via Canvas as your Mid-Term. You will also submit it to the Midterm Report for Grading assignment which is where it will be actually graded.

Note:You may have done an exercise similar to this report. That exercise was a SHORTENED version of these report instructions. Follow ALL of the instructions here for your Mid-Term project.

Project – Report Format – all sections must be labelled

Identification Section

Include “IS 350 Mid-Term”, and (a) your name, (b) section of IS 350 and (c) current events topic.

Section 1: Description

Describe your Current Events topic AND the scenario /Ethical Dilemma in at least three full paragraphs, as follows:

  1. Describe the topic in enough detail so the rest of the analysis is clear.

  2. Let the reader know in what way this is a current event or current topic, why it is relevant to us.

  3. You must include your Scenario and Ethical Dilemma as this is what you will be doing the analysis of

Section 2: Beneficial Aspects

Explain and justify your reasoning for 2 beneficial aspects to yourscenario. Basically, what are two benefits of the moral agent doing the action of the dilemma.

  • You must clearly identify AND JUSTIFY each of these beneficial aspects as follows, so that it is clear to the grader:

  • A beneficial aspect is XXX (and then explain)

Section 3: Detrimental Aspects

Explain and justify your reasoning for 2 detrimental aspects to yourscenario. Basically, what are two detrimental aspects of of the moral agent doing the action mentioned in the ethical dilemma.

  • Clearly identify AND JUSTIFY each of these detrimental aspects as follows:

  • A detrimental aspect is XXX (and then explain)

  • Section 4:

    Here you will discuss 3 Issues that affect society and/or are ethical issues based on thescenario/dilemmathat you have assigned again based on the moral agent doing the action of the dilemma.

    Use the following formats to clearly identify each item as a societal issue or ethical issue. The grader willNOTtry to figure it out, if it is not clearly identified youWILL NOTget credit for it.

    • Clearly identify AND JUSTIFY each as follows, so that it is clear to the grader.

    • A societal (or ethical) issue is XXX (and then explain)

    • Can a societal/ Ethical Issue also be a beneficial/detrimental aspect?YES– but be sure it is appropriately explained under each heading.

    Section 5: Intended Consequences of the doing the action of the dilemma– identify 3

    • Remember that intended consequences may be negative or positive.

    • Identify consequences as primary, secondary or tertiary as well as intended or unintended

    • An intended [primary/secondary/tertiary] consequence is XXX (and then explain)

    • Can an intended consequence also be a beneficial/detrimental aspect?YES– but be sure it is appropriately explained under each heading.

    Section 6: Unintended Consequences of doing the action of the dilemma – identify 3

    • Remember that unintended consequences may be negative or positive.

    • Identify consequences as primary, secondary or tertiary as well as unintended

    • An unintended [primary/secondary/tertiary] consequence is XXX (and then explain)

    • Can an unintended consequence also be a beneficial/detrimental aspect? YES – but be sure it is appropriately explained under each heading.

    Citations & Bibliography

    When you utilize materials you’ve found, be sure to useinline citationswithin your report (e.g., [1] or superscripts1) that point to the full reference citation in a bibliography at the end of your report (APA or MLA format – see the “Understanding Citations” link on Canvas). There must be at least three (3) sources cited.

    Deliverables – What to Submit on Canvas

    Your report should be any length up to 8 pages (not counting the bibliography). Format this double-spaced with one-inch margins all around, 12-point font, Times New Roman. The written document is submitted to Turnitin by submitting to the link on Canvas (do not submit directly to Turnitin) for a similarity check and then you will cut and paste it in to the Midterm Report for Grading Assignment where it will be actually graded.

    Late submissions will not be accepted unless there are extenuating circumstancesandprior approval of the instructor has been received.


  • Use the Grading Rubric (posted on Canvas) as a checklist to double check your report.

MYCurrent Events topic, Scenario, Ethical Dilemma is

Censorship in Education (Limiting course topics) Scenario: The president of a university has been approached by a very large donor who is offering to donate 250 million dollars to the university. But the donor insists he will not give any money if the school continues to offer certain literature courses that he considers distasteful. The president is considering accepting the donation even though it means adhering to the donor’s conditions. Dilemma: Is it ethical for the president of the university to accept the donation?

Answered 19 days AfterOct 10, 2022

Answer To: expert first must read file attached is Midterm slide please must read that before starting...

Amar Kumar answered on Oct 17 2022
62 Votes
Describe the topic in enough detail so the rest of the analysis is clear. why it is relevant to us.
There has been debate on censorship in colleges for a long time. These disagreements reflect the issues that have befuddled and confused societies from the beginning of civilization. If educators, parents, and other mentors want to assist students in acquiring media and social emotional literacy in a digitally sophisticated world, they must be able to
handle the tensions and complexities.
Traditionally, it has been up to teachers alone to decide what information belongs in libraries, the curriculum, or student expression. The combination of new and traditional media and the availability of knowledge outside of a classroom or library in the digital age have made age-old disputes more complex.[1] The majority of people in the free world, including children and young adults, have access to virtually unlimited amounts of knowledge online. According to Statista (2017), a third of people worldwide use social media, and this number is expected to rise. Anyone with an Internet connection can creatively challenge authoritative voices and established institutions. More than ever before, children and teenagers are exposed to potentially objectionable or harmful information. Universities are forced to reevaluate criteria for content control and appropriateness because of these facts, which make the censorship issues even worse.
However, even though contemporary media present novel perspectives on the issue of censorship, many fundamental obstacles remain unchanged. History demonstrates that when dealing with human systems, the question of whether a moral code governs decisions regarding content access and control is never brought up. Instead, the relevant questions concern open discourse norms, who oversees the moral code, why and how it is upheld, and whether or not discovery is supported or encouraged. People who negotiate (or renegotiate) university content management and appropriateness norms can gain perspective by understanding historical lessons and trends. We know from history that finding solutions to these problems is never easy.
Newth (2010) claims that the formal concept of censorship first emerged in Athens in the fifth century BCE. In addition to enforcing regulations regarding the census and financial matters, censors oversaw safeguarding the moral standards set by the state in society.
Even though censorship was portrayed as a measure taken for the greater good, it served to increase the authority of the government, which had little to no regard for the people's opinions or wishes. [2] Socrates, who is regarded as one of the greatest moral thinkers of all time, was assassinated in ancient Athens because of strict government censorship (Mark, 2009).
Technology and social progress have had a significant impact on censorship issues, and the digital era shares many fundamental characteristics (Ludlow, 2016). For instance, the widespread dissemination of information via the printing press heightened institutional concerns, fears, and attempts at censorship (Cotter, 2003; Newth, 2010; The greater ease with which knowledge was accessible at this time had a significant impact on educational practices, according to Wilke (2013). Learning no longer required mentorship;( Dewar, 1998), it could be done privately. The printing machine made it more difficult for people to make judgments, which made it easier for inaccurate and false information to coexist. Cultural and philosophical ambiguity increased as society became more aware of disagreements among influential thinkers (Rosaldo, 1981).
The first successful attempt to define a more ideologically balanced relationship between citizens and governments is the American constitution. Later, other nations established regulations that enhanced civic engagement and citizen protection (Wilke, 2013). Despite these significant advancements, individual and institutional forces continued to engage in conflict. In fact, these conflicts became more obvious as public protection for individual rights increased. Even though the established rights to freedom of expression required greater accountability on the part of governments and other organizations, [3] they recognized the necessity for each citizen to assume the responsibilities associated with such freedom.
Explain and justify your reasoning for beneficial aspects to your scenario
The practice of "evaluating in order to conceal or erase anything regarded disagreeable" is known as...

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