Expected Output Using Provided Test Harness & Test Case File Testing String Method Ted Arroway User: xyz365 Employee ID: 547813657 Role: admin Password: WwwZy&w899 User: 2s5r85 Palmer Joss Employee...

Python 3

Expected Output Using Provided Test Harness & Test Case File<br>Testing String Method<br>Ted Arroway<br>User: xyz365<br>Employee ID: 547813657<br>Role:<br>admin<br>Password:<br>WwwZy&w899<br>User: 2s5r85<br>Palmer Joss<br>Employee ID: 141157891<br>Role:<br>base<br>Password:<br>T4388Numinou$Ness<br>User: mj9674<br>David Drumlin<br>Employee ID: 226714239<br>Role:<br>base<br>Password:<br>User: whosit<br>NO PASSWORD SET<br>Ian Broderick<br>Employee ID: 951753286<br>Role:<br>admin<br>Password:<br>QuislinG&H3r3<br>User: 554790<br>Michael Kitz<br>Employee ID: 735914862<br>base<br>NO PASSWORD SET<br>Role:<br>Password:<br>

Extracted text: Expected Output Using Provided Test Harness & Test Case File Testing String Method Ted Arroway User: xyz365 Employee ID: 547813657 Role: admin Password: WwwZy&w899 User: 2s5r85 Palmer Joss Employee ID: 141157891 Role: base Password: T4388Numinou$Ness User: mj9674 David Drumlin Employee ID: 226714239 Role: base Password: User: whosit NO PASSWORD SET Ian Broderick Employee ID: 951753286 Role: admin Password: QuislinG&H3r3 User: 554790 Michael Kitz Employee ID: 735914862 base NO PASSWORD SET Role: Password:
Requirements:<br>1. Name your code user.py.<br>2. Produce the required code to describe the User dass per the UML Class Diagram<br>requirements provided to you.<br>a. Define the Class appropriately. Use object as the designated superclass.<br>b. Code the constructor for the class as discussed in the demonstration videos posted<br>to Blackboard.<br>Use the correct, Python-defined name for the constructor method.<br>• Remember that the argument/parameter

Extracted text: Requirements: 1. Name your code user.py. 2. Produce the required code to describe the User dass per the UML Class Diagram requirements provided to you. a. Define the Class appropriately. Use object as the designated superclass. b. Code the constructor for the class as discussed in the demonstration videos posted to Blackboard. Use the correct, Python-defined name for the constructor method. • Remember that the argument/parameter "self" is always included as the first argument/parameter in the constructor header/definition line. • The attribute password will use a default value of "None". That is, set the password attribute to null or None when no value is present for that argument/parameter. b. Code a mutator or set method for each listed attribute. • Remember that the argument/parameter "self" is always included as the first argument/parameter in the mutator header/definition line. • The only other parameter included should be a value of the appropriate type for the specific attribute. • HINT: It would be smart to make certain that the value stored for the attribute employeeId is an integer. c. Code an accessor or get method for each listed attribute. • Remember that the argument/parameter "self" is always included as the first argument/parameter in the accessor header/definition line. • No other argument/parameter should ever be included in the accessor header/definition. • NOTE: Check the value of the password attribute in the accessor method prior to returning a value. If no value has been set for password, return "NO PASSWORD SET". d. Code a String method for the class. • Use the correct, Python-defined name for the String method. • Use the following format string to build the string returned by this method: ( "User: %-20s%-40s\n\tEmployee ID: %s" + "In\tRole: %s\n\tPassword: %s/n") The second replacement value should be the name attribute. 3. Comment your code. a. Include a description of the class at the top of your code. b. Include comment(s) describing the purpose of the mutator/set methods. (If you group all mutator methods together, you may use a single block comment.) c. Include comment(s) describing the purpose of the accessor/get methods. (If you group all accessor methods together, you may use a single block comment.) d. Include a description for the String method.
Jun 11, 2022

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