Expand or modify the template from Prob. 13.1 to handle a bolt in a single shear connection with a steel side plate (wood-to-metal connection). Input remains the same, except Gs and s are not required, and the ultimate tensile strength of the metal side plate Fu is an input.
Prob. 13.1
Use a computer spreadsheet or programming software to solve the yield limit equations for a bolt in a single shear wood-to-wood connection. Input the following:
Diameter of bolt D (in.)
Bending yield strength of bolt
Thickness of main member tm (in.)
Specific gravity of main member

Angle of load to grain for main member m (degrees)
Thickness of side member
Specific gravity of side member Gs
Angle of load to grain for side member s (degrees)
The software template is to do the following:
a. Compute the dowel bearing strengths parallel (Fe||), perpendicular (Fe⊥), and at angle (Fe) to the grain for both the main and side members.
b. Evaluate the coefficients for use in the yield limit equations:
, and
. Other intermediate answers may be provided to aid in checking.
c. Solve the six yield limit equations, and select the smallest value as the reference design value Z.