Exercise 5. (Transpose) Write a program called transpone.py that accepts m (int) and n (int) as command-line arguments, mxn floats from stakdard input representing the elements of an m xn matrix a,...

Hello would appreciate if someone can help me solve and run it to see if its correct.Exercise 5. (Transpose) Write a program called transpone.py that accepts m (int) and n (int) as command-line arguments,<br>mxn floats from stakdard input representing the elements of an m xn matrix a, and writes to standard output the transpose<br>of a.<br>-/vorkspace/project3<br>S python3 transpose py 2 2<br>1234 <enter><br>1.0 3.0<br>२.0 4.0<br>* python3 tranapone py 2 3<br>12 3456 center><br>1.0 4.0<br>2.0 5.0<br>3.0 6.0<br>

Extracted text: Exercise 5. (Transpose) Write a program called transpone.py that accepts m (int) and n (int) as command-line arguments, mxn floats from stakdard input representing the elements of an m xn matrix a, and writes to standard output the transpose of a. -/vorkspace/project3 S python3 transpose py 2 2 1234 1.0 3.0 २.0 4.0 * python3 tranapone py 2 3 12 3456 center> 1.0 4.0 2.0 5.0 3.0 6.0

Jun 11, 2022

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