Exercise 1- Account class 1 Design a class named Account that contains: • A private int data field named id for the account • A private double data field named balance for the account • A private Date...


In java


Exercise 1- Account class<br>1<br>Design a class named Account that contains:<br>• A private int data field named id for the account<br>• A private double data field named balance for the account<br>• A private Date data field named dateCreated that stores the date<br>when the account was created<br>• A no-arg constructor that creates a default account<br>• A constructor that creates an account with the specified id and initial<br>balance<br>• The getters (i.e., accessors) and setters (i.e., mutators) methods for id<br>and balance<br>• The getter method for dateCreated<br>• A method named withdraw that withdraws a specified amount from<br>the account<br>A method named deposit that deposits a specified amount to the<br>account<br>

Extracted text: Exercise 1- Account class 1 Design a class named Account that contains: • A private int data field named id for the account • A private double data field named balance for the account • A private Date data field named dateCreated that stores the date when the account was created • A no-arg constructor that creates a default account • A constructor that creates an account with the specified id and initial balance • The getters (i.e., accessors) and setters (i.e., mutators) methods for id and balance • The getter method for dateCreated • A method named withdraw that withdraws a specified amount from the account A method named deposit that deposits a specified amount to the account
Exercise 1- TestAccount class 2<br>• Write a test program named TestAccount that performs<br>the following:<br>Create an Account object with an account ID of 1122 and a<br>balance of 20,000 S.R.<br>• Use the withdraw method to withdraw 2,500 S.R.<br>• Use the deposit method to deposit 3,000 S.R.<br>• Print the balance and the date when this account was created<br>

Extracted text: Exercise 1- TestAccount class 2 • Write a test program named TestAccount that performs the following: Create an Account object with an account ID of 1122 and a balance of 20,000 S.R. • Use the withdraw method to withdraw 2,500 S.R. • Use the deposit method to deposit 3,000 S.R. • Print the balance and the date when this account was created

Jun 08, 2022

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