Executive Branch Profiles 1. Pick any US President (except President Trump, since his term is not yet finished). 2. Name the political party this president represented. 3. List any governmental...

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Executive Branch Profiles

1. Pick any US President (except President Trump, since his term is not yet finished).

2. Name the political party this president represented.

3. List any governmental positions held prior to becoming president

- Name the dates the positions were held

4. Personal information

- Date of Birth, Death (if deceased) Include only degrees and schools attended after high school

- Birthplace

- Education

5. Presidential Elections or assuming of office

- Indicate how he came into office (won election, assumed presidency upon death or resignation of…)

- Primary election (getting the party’s nomination) (for presidents after 1830)

- For each of his primaries, indicate the following

- The final delegate count for both the person you have chosen and any of his opponents

- For each of his presidential elections, include the following:

- Year of the election

- The number of electoral votes for both the person you have chosen and any of his opponents

- What part of the Constitution (article and section) discusses how the president is elected?

6. Name all the Supreme Court Justices this president nominated.

- Include the confirmation vote in the Senate for each nomination.

- What part of the Constitution (article and section) discusses the nomination of Supreme Court justices by the president?

7. Vetoes

- Indicate the total number of vetoes issued.

- Indicate the total number of vetoes overridden by Congress

- What part of the Constitution (article and section) discusses the presidential veto?

8. Pardons

- Indicate the number of pardons this president issued.

- What part of the Constitution (article and section) discusses presidential pardons)

9. Foreign Policy

- Write a two-paragraph summary in your own words for one major foreign policy situation encountered. Include a link for the source of your information.

- What part of the Constitution (article and section) discusses the president as commander-in-chief?

10. Domestic Policy

- Write a two-paragraph page summary in your own words for the most significant domestic policy legislation (in your opinion) this individual signed (e.g. GW Bush, No Child Left Behind Act; Bill Clinton, Family Medical Leave Act). Include a link for the source of your information.

11. Write a two-paragraph summary of any speech given by this president. Include the text of the speech or a link to the speech below your summary.

NOTE: Do not cut and paste anything for this assignment. The summaries are to be in your own words after you have read and learned about the topic. Those who cut and paste or in any other way plagiarize may receive a 0 on the assignment and an F for the course.

Answered Same DayMar 22, 2021

Answer To: Executive Branch Profiles 1. Pick any US President (except President Trump, since his term is not...

Malvika answered on Mar 25 2021
139 Votes
Executive Branch Profile: Barack Obama
The US President – Barack Obama (President 2009-2017) has been selected for review. He belonged to the political party i.e. Democratic Party. Governmental positions held prior to becoming president
a) Illinois State Senator (1997-2004)
b) U.S. Senator from Illinois (2005-2008)
Personal Information
Date of Birth - August 4, 1961
Birthplace – Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu, Hawaii
Education – Occidental College in 1979 after high school
Columbia University (BA) in 1981 – Major in Political Science with a specialty in International Relations and English Literature.
Harvard University (JD) in 1988 – Harvard Law School, Juris Doctor degree with magna cum laude.
Elections for President of the United States
Barack Obama announced that he will be a candidate for President of United States on February 10, 2007. He had competition from many candidates as they entered the Democratic Party presidential primaries. After some time, the field narrowed to two i.e. between Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton. Obama had a better chance due to his strong planning, better raising of funds, dominant organization in caucus states and better use of rules for delegate allocation. Hillary Clinton ended her campaign on June 7, 2008 and endorsed Obama.
John McCain was nominated against Obama from the Republican party and these two candidates engaged in three presidential debates in September and October 2008. Obama won the presidency on November 4, 2008 with 365 electoral votes...

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