Exam 3 Study Guide
HIST 202: Exam 3 Study Guide
Exam 3 covers the unit entitled, “The Rise of Conservatism,” referring to the ascent of conservatism after a period of relative unpopularity. Despite liberalism’s achievements in reducing inequalities of wealth, extending prosperity to millions, and building a safety net, discontent over civil rights and foreign policy combined with global economic changes and political scandal produced growing frustration that ushered in a period of conservatism. The exam tests your knowledge of these themes.
All exam questions and essays should be answered thoroughly with material covered in class and information from the textbook –not from a Google search or other source. Exams that do not follow these instructions will automatically earn a failing grade.
PART ONE: Lecture Guide Questions
Answers should be in complete sentences and at least one paragraph in length. Your answers should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the material and a command of all relevant information.
Chapter 27
What tactics did the AACRM use in their movement?
SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Voting Rights Act (1965)
How did the AACRM shape the Democratic Party and modern liberalism?
How did the African-American fight for equality spread beyond the original movement? Why did these other movements emerge? What were their key ideas?
Black Nationalism
Young Lords
Poor People’s Campaign
Why did an American Indian Movement emerge?
Chapter 28
What was the Great Society?
Choose a Great Society program (not Headstart, Medicare, or Medicaid - we’ll discuss those in class) and know what it intended to do, and why it was important.
Barry Goldwater
Betty Friedan,The Feminine Mystique
“second shift”
Tet Offensive
Free Speech Movement
“counterculture” movement
“days of rage"
Title IX
Evolution of the Democratic Party
What was Nixon's approach to Vietnam?
What major strategies characterized Nixon’s foreign policy? See textbook
"silent majority"
Chapters 29
List and explain three factors contributing to economic discontent during the late 1960s and 1970s.
List and explain three factors contributing to political frustration in the late 1960s and 1970s.
List and explain two people and/or organizations that contributed to the resurgence of conservatism in the late 1960s and 1970s.
Evangelical Protestantism
Moral Majority
Explain one of the three prongs of the conservative assault on the liberal state.
An acceptable essay that earns a passing grade should be several paragraphs long at the very least. It should also contain specific names, events, and ideas on which you elaborate. For instance, if you write about the AACRM and you discuss SNCC, then you must explain SNCC, what it did, and discuss why it was important.
Of the following three essay questions, two will appear on the exam. From the two on the exam, you will choose one.
·Compare and contrast the African American Civil Rights Movement with either the American Indian Movement or the Women’s Movement. Be sure to discuss the background, tactics, goals, and failures/successes of the movements you discuss.
·Explain why liberalism came under assault in the late 1960s. Your answer must include a discussion of civil rights liberalism as well as the evolution of the Democratic Party. Note that you are required to define “liberalism” and “conservatism” in this essay.
·Explain the rise of conservatism in the post-World War II era. Note that you are required to define “liberalism” and “conservatism” in this essay.
Last modified: Thursday, December 5, 2019, 12:10 PM