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Individual Written Project #3 (4 pages) MKTG 3213 Principles of Marketing Tom Brown and Kinda Wilson For the final written assignment, select one (1) product or service of your choice. Write responses to the following questions with respect to that product or service. (This does NOT have to be the product or service you wrote about in earlier projects.) (Please number your responses so that they correspond with the topics below.) 1. Identify and describe at least four (4) points of contact between you and the company selling the product or service to you; these points of contact are part of the customer interface for the company. NOTE: You do not have to have personally experienced all of the points of contact that you describe, but be sure to describe some of your own experiences. Provide your thoughts on whether or not the company is managing its customer interface well. 2. Using any information you can obtain, including your own evaluation of competitive pricing, discuss the likely pricing strategy used by the company for this product or service. Evaluate this pricing strategy and discuss whether or not you believe this is the best approach. 3. For the product/service you have identified, describe and evaluate the external promotions (i.e., advertising, public relations, sales promotion) and interactive promotions (i.e., personal selling) implemented by the company to communicate with potential customers. Please focus on promotions implemented in the previous five years. 4. Using “Best Practices for Advertising” as well as ideas from the SUCCESs model for making an idea “sticky,” develop a print, out-of-home, OR digital advertisement that the company might use to communicate with a target audience about the product or service. Please include (a) a description of the target market; (b) a discussion of the promotional medium you would use; (c) a discussion of how your advertisement follows the best practices and the SUCCESs model; and (d) the actual advertisement. Please prepare the ad as it would appear in final form (no handwritten or hand-drawn ads). The ad itself counts toward the page total. IMPORTANT: Upload your paper to the Brightspace dropbox by 11:30pm on Friday, April 13, 2018. You will have a 24-hour grace period on late papers. Except in the case of documented emergency situations, no late papers will be accepted after the grace period expires. Please remember that your project will be graded for both content and writing quality. Please see the document “Individual Written Projects Instructions” on Brightspace for information about how to format your response document and filename. Individual Written Projects Instructions MKTG 3213 Principles of Marketing Tom Brown and Kinda Wilson Over the course of the semester, you will complete three written projects that are due on the dates shown on the course schedule. All written projects are individual projects and will be uploaded to the Brightspace drop box for the course. Half of the grade on written projects will be based on the content of your responses and half will be based on the quality of your writing. (By “quality of your writing,” we include aspects such as grammar, punctuation, capitalization, format/appearance, and spelling.) The grading rubric for individual written projects is straightforward and is the same for both quality of content and quality of writing: “below average” = 18 points; “average” = 21 points; and “above average” = 25 points. You are free to discuss the written projects with others but the writing must be your own. If necessary, feel free to have someone else help you correct writing mistakes. Note, however, that you must use the editor to improve your writing ability, not simply to correct your work before submitting it. In other words, the editor should make comments or suggestions, but you, the writer, should make the changes. Your written projects must be in paragraph format (that is, not in bullet point format) using 12-point font, double-spacing, and standard one-inch margins in Microsoft Word. On the first page of your document, include your full name, Banner identification number, and the days and times your section meets (e.g., TR 9:00). This information MUST be included in the upper left hand corner of the document as follows: FirstName LastName Banner ID Number Day/Time of Course Session Example: Tom Brown A12345678 MW 2:30 Please save your written project using the following file name format: LastName_FirstName_ProjectNumber.doc. Example: Brown_Tom_IWP1.doc We will use Turnitin software to scan each written document for plagiarism. Do your own work. Individual written projects are due in the appropriate Brightspace dropbox by the deadlines shown below and noted on the “MKTG 3213 Detailed Schedule SPRING 2018” document. We include a 24-hour grace period during which you may upload late projects in case you have computer issues, are ill, etc. After the 24-hour grace period expires, you will not be able to upload the project; we will NOT accept late papers after the grade period expires. Independent Written Project 1: 11:30pm, Friday, February 16 Independent Written Project 2: 11:30pm, Friday, March 16 Independent Written Project 3: 11:30pm, Friday, April 13