Every day,your high school son takes a shower. Most days,he takes two or three showers. He takes a shower in the morning before school, a shower after gym class, and a shower before dinner. At first, you think that this is a good thing until you begin to notice that his showers have become obsessive. In fact, you see marks on his skin from washing too much and scrubbing too hard.
Because you’re concerned, you sit him down to talk about it and he tells you that some of his classmates at school tease him for having bad body odor. He starts to cry and runs in the bathroom to take another shower. You’re furious. You know this is untrue. Your son does not have bad body odor. Whenever you’re around him, he always smells fresh and clean. The problem is he doesn't believe it because he is convinced he has a body odor issue. So, the question is . . . How do you convince him that he does not?
For your Chapter 3 Assignment , you need to tell me how you will convince your son that he does not have bad body odor, using at leasteight (8)of the following vocabulary words:
self-concept significant other social comparison obsolete information
reference group myth of perfection social expectations self-fulfilling prophecy
self-esteem reflected appraisal distorted feedback cognitive conservatism
You can write your answer in paragraph form to the best of your ability.Use as many sentences as necessary to explain your response.
Because of the uniqueness of this assignment, having to include eight (8) vocabulary words, youdo notneed to attempt to use the well-formed paragraph format. However, please note: When you use the vocabulary terms,you need to make sure that you arevery clear in your explanation of what the terms mean. I encourage you to use your textbook and the Chapter 3 Lecture Notes to help with this exam.
Most students miss points on this assignment because they fail to include allfour steps of the processfor changing the self-concept.