Evaluate different parenting styles and their influences on children (early-middle childhood). Identify which parenting styles you feel is most effective and why (see chapter 8 “characteristics of...

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  1. Evaluate different parenting styles and their influences on children (early-middle childhood). Identify which parenting styles you feel is most effective and why (see chapter 8 “characteristics of child rearing styles” in the textbook).

  2. Discuss how culture affects one’s parenting style. Pick one culture that is different from your own culture and summarize findings on ethnic/ cultural variations in child-rearing styles. Share two interesting facts you learned as well (find information outside of the textbook. Do not copy an example from the textbook).

  3. Discuss your opinion of using corporal punishment for young children (e.g., spanking). If you support the use of corporal punishment, discuss under what circumstance you would think such punishment is justified. For those who disagree with the use of physical discipline, what alternatives do you support? Which types of punishment for a misbehaving preschooler do you endorse, and which types do you reject and explain why (and cite resources to support your opinions. See chapter 8).

  4. There are many studies on effects of corporal punishment on children today and some studies show that effects of punishment may be different depending on their cultures (see “on ethnic differences in the consequences of physical punishment” sections related to cultural differences in parenting styles in chapter 8 of our text). After you reviewed various research findings on this topic in the chapter 8, discuss whether your beliefs about corporal punishment have changed. If so or if not, how? Discuss what suggestion you have for parents who would like to start using induction rather than harsh punishment.

Include at least three references(look up information at least three different resources).

Answered Same DayMay 04, 2021

Answer To: Evaluate different parenting styles and their influences on children (early-middle childhood)....

Taruna answered on May 05 2021
156 Votes
    Parenting styles determine the course of cognitive development of children. There are main
ly four types of parenting namely, authoritative, permissive, uninvolved and authoritarian. Out of these four, I prefer authoritative parenting style because it adheres to the holistic approach to help children grow in a positive environment. Parents following authoritative style are warm and responsive to their children which results in higher academic performances. They set clear rules and are supportive in all aspects. It nourishes the social skills of children and enables them to learn new things rapidly and positively as well. Such parents value independence and, therefore; they allow their children to become self reliant.
    Additionally, parenting styles are mostly inherited on cultural bases; people tend to follow the way of rearing their children at cultural, social or psychological level like they have been reared by their parents. This pattern is popular among some of the cultures like Islam. Islamic followers believe in teaching basic ethical and religious values to their children at very early age and this trend is...

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