PowerPoint Presentation. for 15 minutes and 5-minutes for discussion, and Q & A. Element Criteria Excellent (4.5 - 5 points)Competent (3.5 - 4 points)Developing (2-3 points)Non-Performance (0 - 1 points)PointsOutline of the research/study --Discussed context, research problem and purpose, data collection & analysis, conclusions -Summary of study and relation to research traditionMet all criteriaOne or two criteria missingMore than two criteria missing-Discussed context, research problem, data collection & analysis, conclusions --Did not provide summary of study and relation to research tradition /5 Relation to text books - Outline covers at least 3-5 major connections to text books and other readings Met all criteriaOne or two criteria missingMore than two criteria missingDid not discuss 3-3 major connections to text books and other readings /5 Feedback points and Discussion - Demonstrate connection to contemporary issues in research (you can use examples from YouTube, Radio, Internet, etc…) -Provided questions for discussionMet all criteriaOne or two criteria missingMore than two criteria missingDid not demonstrate connection to contemporary issues in research; did not provide appropriate discussion questions /5 Slide Presentation, APA format & Time Limits-Well written -Creative -Proper Citations -Proper ReferencesMet all criteriaOne or two criteria missingMore than two criteria missing-Contained several typos and grammatical errors -Did not use APA on slides or reference page -Went beyond the allotted time. /5
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