Ethnography in Peace and Conflict Research Emily E. Welty When explaining my ethnographic PhD research, I am often tempted to describe it in terms of the numbers of cups of tea I drank during my year...

Ethnography in Peace and Conflict Research Emily E. Welty When explaining my ethnographic PhD research, I am often tempted to describe it in terms of the numbers of cups of tea I drank during my year of research in Uganda and Kenya. Greg Mortenson popularly characterized development in terms of cups of tea in his book Three Cups of Tea (2006) exploring education in Afghanistan and Pakistan. While I do not share Mortensen’s approach or many of his conclusions, I do feel that my “cup of tea count” meaningfully captures the ethnographic nature of my research. Much of my participant observation involved cups of tea (and coffee and juice) with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) volunteers and partners—sitting in meetings, in offices and in their homes speaking informally about what they were doing, thinking and feeling. The approximately 276 cups of tea I drank represent the methodology I used to understand the work of an international faith-based peacebuilding and development organization operating in East Africa. Ethnography is a methodology particularly well-suited for the growing field of peace and conflict studies. While traditionally seen as the domain of anthropologists, ethnography is increasingly being used by many disciplines including religious studies, political science, sociology, and psychology. As an interdisciplinary field, peace and conflict studies must explore and utilize a wide range of methodological practices. I argue that ethnography is particularly suited for peace and conflict studies because of its careful attention to power dynamics, focus on the local/grassroots level and tendency to seek understandi

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PowerPoint Presentation.  for 15 minutes and 5-minutes for discussion, and Q & A.   Element Criteria Excellent (4.5 - 5 points)Competent (3.5 - 4 points)Developing (2-3 points)Non-Performance (0 - 1 points)PointsOutline of the research/study --Discussed context, research problem and purpose, data collection & analysis, conclusions -Summary of study and relation to research traditionMet all criteriaOne or two criteria missingMore than two criteria missing-Discussed context, research problem, data collection & analysis, conclusions --Did not provide summary of study and relation to research tradition  /5 Relation to text books - Outline covers at least 3-5 major connections to text books and other readings Met all criteriaOne or two criteria missingMore than two criteria missingDid not discuss 3-3 major connections to text books and other readings /5 Feedback points and Discussion  - Demonstrate connection to contemporary issues in research (you can use examples from YouTube, Radio, Internet, etc…) -Provided questions for discussionMet all criteriaOne or two criteria missingMore than two criteria missingDid not demonstrate connection to contemporary issues in research; did not provide appropriate discussion questions /5 Slide Presentation, APA format & Time Limits-Well written -Creative -Proper Citations -Proper ReferencesMet all criteriaOne or two criteria missingMore than two criteria missing-Contained several typos and grammatical errors -Did not use APA on slides or reference page -Went beyond the allotted time. /5 

May 07, 2022

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