Ethical Theory in the NewsAssignment For this assignment, you will locate a news article of an ethical issue from the last 30 days and apply your understanding of ethical theories to the issue...

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Ethical Theory in the NewsAssignment

For this assignment, you will locate a news article of an ethical issue from the last 30 days and apply your understanding of ethical theories to the issue discussed.

Locate one article from a newspaper, magazine, the Purdue University Global library, or the internet that was published within the last thirty days that addresses an ethical issue. Your task is to write a concise analysis of the issue raised by the article by answering the following questions in one page or less:

  1. What is the issue raised by this article and what makes you believe it is an ethical issue?

  2. Explain how someone using utilitarianism might view this issue.

  3. Explain how someone using Kantian moral theory might view this issue.

  4. Summarize which approach you believe would be most logical and why.

Provide the APA style citation for the news article.

Answered Same DayDec 10, 2021

Answer To: Ethical Theory in the NewsAssignment For this assignment, you will locate a news article of an...

Dilpreet answered on Dec 13 2021
151 Votes
Running Head: Ethical Theory in the News        1
Ethical Theory in the News        4
dressing Ethical Issues
In the news article titled “FIFA bans Haitian soccer president for life for sexual abuse” published in The Times of India on 20 Nov 2020, the ethical issue raised by the article is the issue of sexual abuse in sports. The article highlights the actions taken against Haitian soccer federation president Yves Jean-Bart, who is accused of sexually abusing the female players and therefore, has been fined heavily and banned for life by FIFA (The Times of India, 2020). In my opinion, this is an ethical issue as Jean-Bart misused his position and sexually harassedfemale players, which is ethically not correct. I strongly believe that nobody has the authority to abuse the position they have and attack on the basic human rights of other individuals around them. Therefore, for me this is an ethical issue.
Someone making use of the utilitarianism theory of ethics will view this issue as an immoral act against humanity. This issue...

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