ESSAY TOPIC: Anyone who's watched a political talk show (or has spent some time on Twitter or Facebook) has probably noticed that people spend a lot of time trying to change other people's opinions....

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ESSAY TOPIC: Anyone who's watched a political talk show (or has spent some time on Twitter or Facebook) has probably noticed that people spend a lot of time trying to change other people's opinions.  Sometimes they succeed; sometimes they fail.  Think of an example from your own life, the life of someone you know, or someone that you observed on television or a movie (in other words, this can be real or fictitious, but it needs to be an example that you can describe) where someone had his or her opinion changed by such a discussion.  Now think of an example of the opposite (opinions did not change, and may even have been strengthened by such a discussion).  Why do you think that change occurred in one case but not the other? To what extent did the peripheral and central routes to persuasion play roles in your examples? Write a short essay (400-600 words) in which you use your real-life examples, along with supportive research, to discuss the psychology of persuasion. Use and find two peer-reviewed journal articles to inform your understanding of the psychology of persuasion and to cite within the essay. Cite the sources in accordance with the APA guidelines, and include a reference list (which may include your textbook in addition to the two peer-reviewed journal articles). Keep in mind that this is a formal writing assignment, designed to help prepare you for the Final Paper, so you may want to read the Final Paper Guidelines for recommendations regarding formal writing (e.g., use of language, organization).
Answered 3 days AfterMar 18, 2021

Answer To: ESSAY TOPIC: Anyone who's watched a political talk show (or has spent some time on Twitter or...

Shalini answered on Mar 21 2021
138 Votes
Running head: PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSUASION        1
One thi
ng that is most common nowadays is the people want others to follow the same thing as they do. Whenever we surf social media it is very common to see the debates are going on several topics whether it is politics, religions, personal favorite superstars, foods, and many more. The most unusual thing noticed is people are not just portraying their opinions rather they are convincing the people to believe in the same thought and opinions as them.
Case 1
Taking into account one of the incidents I was traveling along with two of my friends and the conversation started regarding the politics. As I am not a person who loves to have a conversation on these topics so I stayed out of the conversation that started on the verge of which party they would be voting for in the upcoming elections. Both of my friends have distinct opinions so the debate started. The debate becomes very furious some of the time as both was portraying their opinions...

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