Essay question*Victims of domestic violence, who kill their abusers,can now adequately rely upon the defence of self-defence in Victoria'Do you agree? Explain why or why not, referring to relevantcases, statutes, and academic and other literature. Criticallyevaluate the current law on defences in conjunction with thelegislative reform in 2005 and 2014.Instructions
Word limit: 1500; worth: 30%.
Due Date: Tuesday 4 May 2022, 11.59 am (Melbourne time)As this assignment forms a significant portion of your finalmark, research, presentation, grammatical structure andexpression will all be relevant to the quality of the workpresented and attention should be paid to each of theseaspects in the presentation of the final work.Make sure your essay answers the question given.You will need to do research beyond the material covered inclasses, and can begin with the Waller and Williams text as aguide. But you should also draw on legislation, case law, lawjournal articles and books, and law reform publications (asneeded).In preparing your essay, you should use appropriate headings,have a clear Introduction and Conclusion, and structure thebody of the essay with relevant headings to signpost theargument. You should also aim for correct use terminology,grammar and spelling, and consistent use of legal citation andreferencing (AGLC4).You should include a Bibliography. Note that reasonablefootnotes and the Bibliography will not be included in theword count.
1. Knowledge and understanding of the topic: 50%2. Analysis and argument: 40%3. Writing, presentation and referencing: 10%