stata assignment
Essay Applied Economic Methods BUSM112: Instructions for Data Assignment This data assignment, whether written individually or in a team of up to four people, represents 40% of the total mark. The assignment is due on 6 April 2022 15:00am and must be submitted in the dropbox that is available in the module’s QMPLUS website. For those wishing to write the assignment in teams (up to four people): You are responsible for selecting your teammates. In the remote case that you and your teammates do not get along (e.g. due to free-riding issues, clash with work agendas, etc.) then you MUST let the module organiser know (
[email protected]) by 1 April the latest so you are allowed to submit the assignment individually, rather than in teams. In this case, you might be sent new personalised files. Each team needs to submit only ONE data assignment per team. The team leader is the student responsible to submit the assignment in QMPLUS by the stated deadline 6 April 2022. Submitted team assignments are understood to have been the product of the team members and the assignment overall mark will be given equally to each teammate with no exception. All data assignments, whether written individually or in a team of up to four people, needs to include: 1. The first page of the assignment should be the filled cover sheet in word version (available in second page of this document). This sheet needs to include all the required QMUL id of the student(s) composing the team). 2. All the data assignment must be submitted in word version only. 3. Below each question you must include any relevant tables (e.g. tests, regression tables). These can be copied as a picture into word to preserve format. 4. The appendix of the assignment must include the syntax needed to replicate your results. This syntax can be copied from your do files and copied directly into the word document. In the do file you can include comments, and notations that might make it easier for markers understand and mark your syntax. Failing to include your syntax will result in a heavy penalty and you might be referred to the school Assessment Offence Officer for the assignment to be investigated for plagiarism. 5. DO NOT include your log file. (If your do files are well documented anyone should be able to replicate your results). Failure to follow points above 1-5, will result in marks deducted from the assignment. Assignments handed after the deadline will be penalised according to the students’ handbook, unless you have an explicit permission to submit late (granted before the deadline) due to extenuating circumstances. Beware that each team and students wishing to do the assignment individually will receive personalised files to prevent collusion. All submitted assignments will be screened using turninit, and those suspected of having committed an academic offence (e.g. colluding with another team to produce same assignments, plagiarism or ghost writing) will be referred to the school’s Assessment Offence Officer which might result in hefty penalties. Data Assessment Feedback Form MODULE CODE BUSM112 MODULE TITLE Applied Economic Methods Assignment Type 40% Data assignment Student 1 QMUL ID Fill in here your QMUL id Student 2 QMUL ID Fill in here the QMUL of second member if done in group Student 3 QMUL ID Fill in here the QMUL of third member if done in group Student 4 QMUL ID Fill in here the QMUL of fourth member if done in group Each team needs to submit only ONE data assignment per team. Marker(s) Initials Provisional Mark(s) Late (no. of days) Penalty - Marks to be deducted Overall mark Checklist: 1. The first page of the assignment should be the filled cover sheet in word version. 2. All the data assignment must be submitted in word version only. 3. Below each question you must include any relevant tables (e.g. tests, regression tables). These can be copied as a picture into word to preserve format. 4. The appendix of the assignment must include the syntax needed to replicate your results. This syntax can be copied from your do files and copied directly into the word document. Please you can include all your comments, and notations that might make it easier to read and mark. 5. Please do NOT include your log file. (If your do files are well documented anyone should be able to replicate your results). Note that submitted team assignments are understood to have been the product of the team members composed this group and the assignment overall mark will be given equally to each teammate with no exception. COMMENTS Applied Economic Methods BUSM112 Data Assignment The data assignment consists of three parts: A, B and C. The answers to these three parts must be typed. The strict word limit is 1500 words excluding the word count of provided instructions/questions, tables, and do files. Any extra text exceeding this word limit will not be read and will not be marked. Part A (20 marks) File parta.dta contains information of a randomized intervention. In this randomized intervention 1,000 children were treated with a dosage of fish oils on a daily basis for three months. The intervention then compared the test scores of the treated students with a group of students that randomly received a placebo. Neither of the participants knew whether they were given the real fish oils nor the placebo. 1) Using t-tests explain whether the treated and control groups have on average same characteristics? [5 marks] 2) Estimate the impact of the intervention, by comparing the outcome (the student’s test scores) after the intervention between the treatment and control groups. For this purpose, use a t-test clearly explaining the impact of the intervention (if any) and whether this impact is statistically significant. [5 marks] 3) Using an OLS regression estimate the impact of the intervention by comparing the test scores between the treatment and control groups whilst also controlling in the same regression for other covariates that might have affected the outcome. Explain if your results differ in sub-questions 2) and 3). If so explain which results are more reliable of the true impact. [5 marks] 4) Test whether the OLS regression used in option 3) suffers from any violations for OLS to be reliable and BLUE. If there are any violations, then try correcting for these violations clearly explaining your rationale for these corrections. Note: Some of you will receive files where it will not be possible to correct some of these violations. In those cases, just explain briefly how you tried to correct. Avice, do not spend over an hour on this sub-question 4. [5 marks] Part B (30 marks) File partb.dta contains information of a non-randomized intervention. The intervention consisted of providing job training to people working in fast food industry in New Jersey in USA. The training provided courses on IT, numeracy and customer service. The people used as a “control group” were also working in the fast food industry but in Pennsylvania state. Independent researchers hope to investigate whether the intervention had any impact by comparing the change in earnings (measured in natural logarithm, learnings) in participants of the programme in New Jersey before and after the programme was implemented to those of the control group in Pennsylvania. 1) Estimate and interpret the impact of the programme using