Enter a message: i love comfun! Enter a character to be found: as Enter a character to be found: yyu Enter a character to be found: o The character 'o' appeared 2 time(s) in the message. Press any key...

Create a C++ program where in a user is asked to enter a statement as string and then asked for a character to be found in a statement then count them. The example output below

Enter a message: i love comfun!<br>Enter a character to be found: as<br>Enter a character to be found: yyu<br>Enter a character to be found: o<br>The character 'o' appeared 2 time(s) in the message.<br>Press any key to continue<br>

Extracted text: Enter a message: i love comfun! Enter a character to be found: as Enter a character to be found: yyu Enter a character to be found: o The character 'o' appeared 2 time(s) in the message. Press any key to continue

Jun 11, 2022

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