English (e what is the output of the following program? #include int test (int &, int); main () { int a=10, b=15; test (b, a); test (a,b); cout

English (e<br>what is the output of the following program?<br>#include<iostream.h><br>int test (int &, int);<br>main ()<br>{<br>int a=10, b=15;<br>test (b, a);<br>test (a,b);<br>cout<<a <<b<<endl;<br>int test (int &x, int y)<br>{<br>x=66;<br>y=44; }<br>

Extracted text: English (e what is the output of the following program? #include int test (int &, int); main () { int a=10, b=15; test (b, a); test (a,b); cout

Extracted text: test (a,b); cout

Jun 10, 2022

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