ENG 241 World Literature Literary Analysis Research Essay Writing Prompt & Guidelines 1. Define World Literature by using Goethe’s criteria for the term. Then create your original definition of the...

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ENG 241 World Literature Literary Analysis Research Essay Writing Prompt & Guidelines 1. Define World Literature by using Goethe’s criteria for the term. Then create your original definition of the term. What classifies a literary work into the “world” category? 2. Use at least one literary work from the syllabus and analyze the prominent themes presented in the text. a. Show the function of the theme as a literary device to the narrative as a whole. b. Explain the cultural, political, social, OR historical relevance to the theme(s) at the time the work was created. c. Compare the historical problems presented in the themes to current controversial issues. 3. The essay should be at least five pages with one primary source (a text from the syllabus) and three to five secondary sources (peer reviewed articles/ essays, scholarly articles, reliable news articles, etc. from the library resources). 4. Support the argument and analysis with direct textual evidence (paraphrase and direct quotes). 5. Submit the outline, proposal, annotated bibliography, and each draft in MLA format (including in-text and works cited citations).
Answered Same DayApr 09, 2021

Answer To: ENG 241 World Literature Literary Analysis Research Essay Writing Prompt & Guidelines 1. Define...

Somudranil answered on Apr 10 2021
132 Votes
Last Name:    6
Title: Literary Analysis
1.    Define World Literature by using Goethe’s criteria for the term. Then create your original definition of the term. What classifies a literary work into the
“world” category?    3
2. Use at least one literary work from the syllabus and analyze the prominent themes presented in the text. Irrationality    4
a. Show the function of the theme as a literary device to the narrative as a whole.    4
b. Explain the cultural, political, social, OR historical relevance to the theme(s) at the time the work was created.    5
c. Compare the historical problems presented in the themes to current controversial issues.    5
Works Cited    7
1.    Define World Literature by using Goethe’s criteria for the term. Then create your original definition of the term. What classifies a literary work into the “world” category?
Literature, as well as the arts, sheds light upon the loci that concern elements of the future. There happen to be matters existing in the global as well as local context. The literature as well as the arts involving the various forms of culture. However, it aims in the attainment of profit and therefore flourishes from the beginning of the system (Niekerk). There happen to be elements concerning the matters that involve the clash among the cultures that lead to migration. The conflict occurs in the form of post-colonial aspects that lead to Diaspora. Goethe deals with the various matters that involve the auroral moment concerning the global phenomenon. The terminology happens to be reminiscent of the debate of the twentieth century. The notion considering the Weltliteratur as the creation that involves cultural interchange of supranational. This has been done for improvement of communication, the media networks as well as marketing that emerged out of the Napoleonic wars. Johann Wolfgang Goethe has had his thoughts concerning the Weltliteratur. Therefore, the basis of the repertoire happens to be the construction of a transnational canon. The destiny concerning the standardization that involves...

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